This has been one of the hardest decisions I have ever had to make. As of January 1st - 2010, Citizens Protecting Abused Children Inc, will no longer be able to provide services to Parents that love there children and take care of them, Only to have C.P.S step in and take there children away for no reason. We will also no longer be able to provide our service to the children that are in need of protection.
I can only Hope and Pray that what little I have done since Christopher Thomas's death in kinship/fostercare, has made a impact on the people that are responsable for protecting these children, and helping good parents to become better parents, not by bullying or threatening to take there children.
I will always be available if a child or parent needs to talk you can reach me by email - or phone 414-254-6476
I hope that people will watch for signs of abuse and report it right away, no child should ever have to suffer the pain that many children already have.I also hope that the State of Wisconsin continues to move forward in protecting our children, and hope other States will follow. God Bless all the lives lost to abuse, and God Bless Christopher my Hero...
I will try to keep the website available as long as I can.