Hello my staunch Republican friend! You might just get your wish about my job. I'm supposed to let my boss know by Tuesday if I will be back after the first of the year. Right now I don't know what to tell her. My dad still isn't well, he can't drive yet because he still gets dizzy a lot, and he has mega doctor appointments and tests coming up in January. So I may be telling her, sorry, but I won't be back.
Glad you like having me around more often. I enjoy coming around to my old familiar haunt more often too.
So, the Health care bill started your day off on a good note, huh?? Idiots! I don't know why they want to rush this thing through before the end of the year, but I really wish they'd SLOW DOWN and read the dang thing first! While you know I'd love to see a bill of this type go through, I'm afraid it isn't going to be what so many people want it to be.
She may very well be on the ticket. Truthfully, that would be a disgrace to the Republican Party. But they've been known to do some nutty things in the past. Sorry, couldn't help that one.
And by the way, I AM with the 21st century! It's just that none of you let me know which IM program you're using.
She may very well be on the ticket. Truthfully, that would be a disgrace to the Republican Party. But they've been known to do some nutty things in the past. Sorry, couldn't help that one.
And by the way, I AM with the 21st century! It's just that none of you let me know which IM program you're using.
She's not that bad. The left has just painted her as an idiot and it's stuck.
But unfortunately perception is reality, so I hope she doesn't run.
Her ticket to the White House is to be a VP first, that's the only way it's possible for her at this point.
JR, truthfully, I don't any woman has a shot at being President right now. There are way too many men that feel a woman isn't smart enough to do the job.
I think that's what disappoints me the most about Palin, Sandy.
The left is all for womens rights, but when a smart, successful woman arrives on the scene that happens to be pro-life and have a conservative lean then suddenly they're willing to tear her down and treat her like a bimbo.
That's pretty hypocritical in my eyes.
To criticize her as not having enough experience when she had run a state while Obama had run NOTHING was ridiculous.
To say nothing of the fact she was running for VICE President, not President.
The left is all for the advancement of women, as long as that woman falls in line with the liberal agenda.
-- Edited by Jeremy Riggs on Saturday 19th of December 2009 12:04:56 PM
That is what I thought was the funniest part . . . and its still going on today. So many people treated Palin as if she was the one running for president. People still talk about "If Palin had won the election."
Yeah, but I think there was a little more to it than her being Palin. The Dems had Hillary on the ticket. In my opinion, she's a pretty smart woman, knows her way around Washington, is familiar with world politics. Yet the Democratic party didn't get behind her. She wasn't one of the "good ole boys."
I always figured the Dems didn't support Hilary for the same reason I can't support Palin for President, fear that she's too polarizing to win.
Hilary wanted to be President. The conservatives in America can't stand her, and there's still some feminists who feel she was too cold and calculating when Bill cheated on her. More worried about her political future than she was about standing up for herself and her children.
Not saying that's a fair assessment, but when running for office you need to appeal on some level to both sides. If you're as polarizing as Hilary, Sarah, or even George Bush at the end of his term, you become toxic to your party.
Hilary has done a nice job taking a back seat to Obama and kind of rebuilt her brand now. If she wanted to run again I think she'd get a lot less resistance.
We shall see what transpires over the next couple of years. I've got to say that I'm a little worried about some of these "changes" that we're making as a country. My daughter's Econ teacher gave the class something that was an eye opener yesterday. I don't have the exact figures in front of me, but it had to do with the national debt as of Nov. 30th (in the trillions), total U.S. population, and how much every man, woman, and child has to pay back in taxes to pay it all off......I think it was over $37,000 each. I'll have to ask my daughter where that paper is to double check the exact amount.
I never did understand the economics of spending our way into a monumentally bigger deficit in the hopes of curtailing our economic collapse... The bank bail out money is in many cases still sitting on reserve rather than being loaned... Antithetical to why it was given out.
Since that is the case, that money would have been better off being given to citizens to pay off debt, and put into our economy with small and big ticket item purchases. The citizen stimulus checks sent out was a pittance. If they gave each of us 100,000 dollars, we could have attacked the recession from the bottom up. But we arent lobbyists, just tax payers...you know, the ones who ultimately have to pay for this mess. Why buy just one vote when you can buy a Corporation's support.
-- Edited by Dylan on Saturday 19th of December 2009 01:06:50 PM
Sandy, its refreshing to hear you say that these changes are concerning to you too. If you want to watch our debt grow in real time (and who doesn't enjoy that?), visit usdebtclock.org