Oh, come on, use some imagination. Right off the top of my head I'm thinking, "But it is only one thin WFTR." from Monty Python's Meaning of Life.
You just got to keep all these bits CAT-aloged, then you can quickly be DYLAN up these answers.
And look what you've STAR-ted on this thread!
Ah, wish I could say I was coming up Dylan. Money, time, and a rejection of baseball do not allow. Love to see the Cubs win, but if they don't I won't losse too much sleeps.
Wow, Star must really be sick, only a hand full of posts today. Star, a few shots of Kentucky Bourbon should do the trick for the soar throat. Heck if you drink enough of it it should cure the headache too. Well at least until morning.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...