I've been listening to the news talking about the Christmas Day near attack on a plane coming into the US from Amsterdam. Apparently the would be Nigerian bomber (subdued by the crew and passengers) rigged himself up some... and I am not making this up... explosive underwear. He had enough explosives on him to blow a hole in the side of the plane, but it failed to detonate because of what Al-Quaeda is calling a"technical flaw" in the design.
Yes, ladies and gentlemen... Al Quaeda is claiming responsibility for creating the defective explosive undies. They are proudly claiming responsibility for the chucklehead in the exploding whitey tighties.
Since the "shoe bomber" graced the scene, we now have to remove our shoes and submit them for x-ray before boarding a plane. Are we now going to have to submit our undies too?
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.