I'm back for a bit now. Just took my dad home. I'm not partaking in alcohol tonight; sticking with my diet sodas. And I notice there are still plenty of snacks left so I might have to start eating more to get them gone by tomorrow.
Request on my friends. I think I need to make my fonts smaller on my computer because I can't see the button for the music library.
If it is any consolation, Sandy... I'm still questioning as to whether my stomach is going to take alcohol or not. REALLY glad I didn't go pop for that bottle of champagne now.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I thought about buying a bottle of Asti for myself, but a whole bottle is an awful lot for me to drink. Wish they made it in little bottles like wine coolers come in, ha.
Last year I bought a bottle of some kind of brute champagne. All I can say is it was NASTY!! I'm not much of a wine or champagne drinker....thought it would be good, but wow, was I ever wrong!! It was too dry for my taste; I like something sweeter.
On the new Halo game I got for Christmas, it saves all my fights against the aliens in a theater that I can watch to see how well I did or if they wiped me out. I like that feature!
Back from the funeral. Ugh. We were not real close to this guy, know his parents better. He and his dad are both ham radio guys. He was only 49, but has had a tough fight with diabetes for a long time. He was really into fantasy football so they draped his casket with an Arizona Cardinals blanket.
After the funeral, we drove through McDonalds (another ugh), and dropped Mrs McWeb and her McRib off at McWork, then we came back McHome to enjoy the McWonderful McSplendor of our lunch bounty.
That's how old my friend Paul was when he passed away from complications related to diabetes.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.