We let someone spend the night Friday. I took them to see Mr & Mrs Smith and to the mall yesterday. I even let him spend the night at his cousin's last night. He came home after church. He wants to start to stay home again, but I am not ready. I hate to say it, but I do not trust him quite yet. We have not even gone to court yet, so this spray paint incident is still not over.
Asisson, kids today have so much more to contend with than we did growing up. Sounds like he is going to come out of this better off, because of a good lesson learned from a relatively minor incident. The teen age years can be tough, but you sound like a good mom. You are on top of it.
Thanks, but we'll see. He has always had for lack of a better word, an "edge" to his personality. We were alone until he was 5. He has a chip on his shoulder, I am just hoping that the cops knocked it off, because it seems that I only make it grow!
I dated someone for 7 years who had a son with an "edge" to his personality. I can relate in some very small degree to the challenge you are facing. I guess the one thing I learned is that you cant back down, even a little...your house, your rules. Its not the easy road, but the more effective one in the long run.
Yeah, I am finding that out as I go. It took me a long time to back up what I say. I am getting good at it, but it is definitely easier to let stuff go! But raising kids is not supposed to easy. However, I believe that our generation has had a harder time at it than any other!