WXPN station here at 8am declared Elvis hour. I they were going to play a few Elvis songs and other songs of his done by others. I was only in the car for 15 minutes.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Celebrating a human being who brought lots of wonderful music to the world. Yep, he sure did have some flaws too... as I suspect we all do.
Amen to that. It is not our place to judge anyone anyway. He was gifted and I am glad that God sent him to us to entertain us. My mother loved him so too and got a chance to see him live, so that always makes me smile.
So I guess we can celebrate Hitler's birthday in the same manner ? I mean after all , he did give us the autobahn .
Why must you act so immature and instigating?
Surely you have done things you knew were a sin, only you were not on the world stage struggling with them. I know I have and that is why I am so glad that I am a Christian and my sins are forgiven.
So I guess we can celebrate Hitler's birthday in the same manner ? I mean after all , he did give us the autobahn .
Why must you act so immature and instigating?
Surely you have done things you knew were a sin, only you were not on the world stage struggling with them. I know I have and that is why I am so glad that I am a Christian and my sins are forgiven.
Hitler's stage was a whole lot bigger than anything Elvis stood on .
and - Let me know when your daughter turns 14 and lets see how you feel about it then.
Dave- you know what I meant and no one was celebrating hitler's birthday. When I was 14 I know I would have dated him! And there was nothing they could have done about it.
Enough bantering though I have given you what you wanted an argument. This is a place for people to unwind, not be judged or belittled. I am sorry that you continue down this road.
So I guess we can celebrate Hitler's birthday in the same manner ? I mean after all , he did give us the autobahn .
You are entitled to your opinion just like I'm entitled to mine. If you want to celebrate Hitler's birthday, go right ahead. You wanna fuss about me celebrating Elvis's... fuss away. Doesn't bother me a bit.
Personally I don't see the comparison of the bad things Elvis did to Hitler's genocide and all of the deaths associated to his instigation of WWII as really an apples to apples deal. You will just have to pardon me if I disagree with that assessment, and if I fail to appreciate the celebration of Hitler's b-day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Dave- you know what I meant and no one was celebrating hitler's birthday. When I was 14 I know I would have dated him! And there was nothing they could have done about it.
Enough bantering though I have given you what you wanted an argument. This is a place for people to unwind, not be judged or belittled. I am sorry that you continue down this road.
I to am sorry , sorry that is that peeps are willing to over-look behavior/ actions that would land me or anyone else that can't sing in jail for the rest of our lives, but because Guy A can " sing " Guy A is instead "celebrated " with movie fests and candle light vigils . Its called a double-standard , and its pure B.S. And you'll just have to exscuse me for pointing it out.
History is filled with human beings who did both great and horrible things in their lives... it is part of being a human being. We are not perfect. If everyone who did something morally, ethically, or legally dubious was to be shunned, we would all have to live in isolation.
Yes, in a way it is a double standard and it is B.S. to celebrate the life of ANYONE. However, it is also part of the social contract that makes us able to be part of a functioning society.
It is also complete B.S. to say that all things bad are equally bad and should be dealt with in the same way. There is no conceiveable way that you can claim equivalence between the slaughter of 6 million of people and one guy doing drugs, discharging a firearm inside his home, and as you say "dating teen agers" (which by the way implies that nobody was forced into anything). The only thing that can be validly compared to the Holocaust is another genocide.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.