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Post Info TOPIC: Favorite Toy

Permanent Vacation

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Favorite Toy

What was your favorite toy as a kid?  Maybe you still have it, even.

For me, it was my stuffed animals until I got a Nintendo.  Then it was my Nintendo until I got a Gameboy.  I still have the Nintendo, but I gave the Gameboy to my sister.  Now I wish I hadn't, I miss it.




2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I loved my play McDonalds. It was so cool. It even had a little tray return in the side of the building.

It reminds me of a story from when I was a kid.

My mom took me shopping at the mall, and apparantly I was misbehaving, I don't recall what I was doing, but I'm sure it was related to my frustration at spending five hours looking at womens clothes

ANYWAY, when my Dad picked us up at the mall my Mom commented to him that I had been really bad. As usual, my dad didn't really say anything. He was usually a pretty quiet guy. Him and my Mom just went on with some other conversation and I attended to whatever business a 7 or 8 year old has in the back seat of the car.

Then, about ten minutes later, when we're almost home, my Dad asks me very casually what my favorite new toy that I got for Christmas was.

I remember thinking about it out loud before saying "It's gotta be the McDonalds".

He replied "Good, I'm taking it away for two weeks, next time you're with your mother maybe you'll behave".


To this day I can still clearly see that McDonalds up on top of the fridge, just out of my reach for two weeks.

I gotta hand it to the man though, it was a well played manuever. I just wonder how long he'd been saving that one up for!

-- Edited by Jeremy Riggs at 09:44, 2005-06-24


The Goddess Of Gab

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Ya know what game I loved as a kid?

Operation!  I just thought it was so neat how it buzzed when you hit the side.  What a challenge.  I don't have it anymore.  In fact, I think I had to go to my friends to play it.  I won't deny my own children of such an educational game.

Did you know they make checks w/ Operation on them?  True story.

My reality check bounced.

Permanent Vacation

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I can beat you on that one Jeremy.  There was one time that I took something of my step-father's to school for show and tell (though he was still "my mom's husband" at the time), and I was doing homework at the kitchen table when he wanted it back.  He asked where it was, and I couldn't remember (hey, I was busy at the time), so he got mad, hunted down my Gameboy and threw it down the stairs.  (He had some anger management issues that I won't go into here.)  I was devistated.

I think he felt guilty about it, because I got a new Gameboy that Christmas.




2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I'm sorry MZ, I was actually laughing out loud on that one! I can just imagine the look on your face seeing an "adult" act like that. You must have been stunned!


Permanent Vacation

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I was stunned that it was my Gameboy, but not at the behavior.  It was pretty typical of my stepdad at the time.






MZ I hope that you realize that his day will come, if it has not already. He has lost your mom, but if that did not hurt, something else will. That hurt my feelings!

Back to our favorite toy, mine was my brothers Planet of the Apes set. He had a huge collection of toys and I was so jealous! He got them when he got pneumonia and was in the hospital. I prayed everyday to get sick so I could get my own set.

After that I loved my dollhouse. My parents got it at a flea market in WI. It was awesome, it was handmade. It had a pool and tennis courts! My brother got mad at me one day and took a baseball bat to it! So MZ I feel your pain. However, my brother is still a big loser, so that helps somedays! Somehow we are turning this into how messed up people can be.

Luckily we are all sane around here!


Darth Raydar

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Hot Wheels baby! They were the best. My borther and I would set up track all over the backyard or basement. We'd play with them for hours. We still have a box loaded with cars. We still have some track and now we get them out so our nephew can play with them. We even had two or three that were still in the package. I sold them to a friend who collects them. I think he paid me $75 for them. I bet they cost .75 cents in the day.
Ahhh memories.


Permanent Vacation

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My mom' still married to him (which baffles me, but...).  It wasn't until I moved out that I would even acknowledge him as my stepfather.  I used to refer to him as "my mom's husband."  That was the closest relationship to him that I wanted at the time.




Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Stretch Armstrong was my favorite, I used to stretch him out and whack my brother with it.

This was a great toy until the toxic gel like substance leaked out...

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Permanent State of Confusion

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I had the Legos, Matchbox, Tinkertoys and even the Lincoln Logs. All of which I used to leave lying around the house. My mother would be the most upset if she stepped on one on the small legos. They hurt. Playing with most of this stuff I guess it is strange that I didn't become some kind of architect. I still have a great deal of my legos and my neice has the all the matchbox.


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Prophet of the Posts

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I'm with Ray, Hot Wheels!  Yards 'n yards of orange track all over the living room.  Didn't you hate it when you ran out of track tongues?  Those were more valuable than the cars!  Close behind that were my G.I Joes.  These were the tall ones, with Kung-Fu grip.  Not those tiny ones from the 80's.  You could really batter those things and not ruin them.

Not perfect, just forgiven.

Permanent Vacation

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Legos were definately up there.  I had some matchbox and hot wheels, but I preferred the cars that you pulled back to go.  I would drag race them together all the time!






Remote control race cars were fun too! They have come such a long way, but the cord attached to the track never bugged me!


Permanent Vacation

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Yeah, I always had the ones with no track, but the cord was attached to the car.  And it was a pretty short cord!




Living Legend

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I was a barbie girl... had the house and the pool and the car and the horse... i even had a piano that actually played music.... my favorite was the curly haired barbie ( i have curly hair).  She died an unnatural death when my cousin broke her head off.   poor barbie.


Permanent Vacation

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I had some Barbies, but I never really got into the Barbie scene.  I preferred cars and video games.




Living Legend

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my brother had all the cars... and all the star wars toys.... all of them the only one I was allowed to play with was princess leah (sp?)  


Grand Poobah


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Hey Riggs my brother had that mcdonaldland thing too.

When we were about 11-12 yrs old, we took M-80s and bb guns to a lot of our toys and had fun with them that way. In hindsite, it'd be cool to still have these around.

I had batman everything! that was cool- this 6 story building thing with the batcave in the basement.  

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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My mom was big into rummage sales when I was a kid. She came home one Saturday afternoon with two 5 gallon buckets full of legos she bought for a buck each. I thought my mom was an Angel sent from the big lego cloud in the sky. Have you priced these things today? A 6 inch box of legos with 12 little parts costs about 6 or 7 dollars.

The best thing is when I go to my parents house I can go down to the basement and play with any toy I ever owned! They vowed they would never throw away our toys like their parents did to them. I have every lego, matchbox car, tinker toy, dump truck, lincoln log, weebles, etc that I ever had. Antiques of course now!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Permanent Vacation

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Most of my toys went to Goodwill.  My parents said I couldn't leave anything behind when I moved out, and I didn't have room for most of it.  I doubt any of it would really be in a collectible condition anyway.




Grand Poobah


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my folks kept some of the baby clothes we wore. And she now has back to back pictures of my brother as a baby, and his son as a baby in the same outfit. I thought that was pretty cool.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Darth Raydar

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Posts: 3798

Hey Spark-

Do you think your folks would mind me coming over and playing with your toys?

My brother and I lost tons of baseball cards cause mom would tell us if we didn't put them away she was going to throw them in the trash. One day she did.


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Heck Ray, I'll even play toys with ya! Everyones invited to my childhood home to play toys!

I got dibs on the Dukes of Hazzard race track though...

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Living Legend

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Star:  Operation gave me panic attacks.  i remember my mom playing that with me and i would just freak out.  i couldn't do it.  i was so nervous for that evil buzz and I'd always buzz it because i was nervous.  i hate baloons and fireworks too because of nervousness.  they always suprise you and pop.  I try not to be like that with my son though because i don't want HIM to be a nervous wreck.  maybe i should get that game someday to play with him...


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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We always thought it was fun to tell our friends to stick there tongue on the operation game. Cheap laughs...

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

CEO - The KOTO Co.

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        I " got " my favorite " toy " when i was about 12 


Permanent State of Confusion

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Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.



jstdve wrote:

        I " got " my favorite " toy " when i was about 12 

Do you still play with it or do you now share?


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

hey about about bikes. man I loved my bikes. Total total freedom in the summer. I could go anywhere so long I was home for dinner, or after dinner, home when the street lights came on. man we rode as far as we could pedal and then back. I think I am going to go buy a new bike...

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
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