Is there a page somewhere that shows just dedications ?
If the answer is " yes " then - Where is it ?
If the answer is " no " then - Would it be possible for some tech-savvy guy to make one ?
I think it would be nice in that if someone dedicated a song to someone else , and that someone else didn't happen to be viewing the " now playing " page at the time the song was on , they would never see it and not know that someone was thinking about them.
That's a good idea, but I don't know how much work would be involved with it. I know before I've heard one of my favorite songs, click over to see who requested it, but it's already skipped forward to the next song.
I'm sure it wouldn't be hard to do but it won't happen.
An open posting system that would save data online for a significant amount of time is prime bait for spammers and losers with nothing better to do than to try to sell viagra or attempt to stir up trouble.
I'd suppose if one wanted one's dedication noted at a later time, one could either post it in a dedications thread or could apply it to "currently playing".
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Since a dedication page isn't possible, and the Now Playing page moves pretty fast sometimes, I agree with Mema and suggest we start a Dedication thread. That way all dedications will be visible whenever we log in......won't have to worry about a missed post in Now Playing or a dedication made but the person never knew of it.