I think it makes it harder to make sure you don't serve someone that already shouldn't be behind the wheel. Plus, I wonder about the fake id thing more.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Yeah I would imagine, except MI also puts a watermark over the photos now.....shows gold in the light, state of MI on the photo. They might still be able to fake 'em though.
Actually, my motivation for trying to get into bars when I was underage had very little to do with drinking, and usually very much to do with the band that was playing.
Actually, my motivation for trying to get into bars when I was underage had very little to do with drinking, and usually very much to do with the band that was playing.
Yeah, music can be a powerful draw...and it is alot more fun than alcohol.
If someone's too lazy to get out of the car...how bad do they want it?
I never said it was a good idea. I just said it is the way of things.
I too used to sneak into a bar when I was underaged. No fake ID required... one of my friends was dating the owner... she just walked me right in and introduced me. Instant acceptance. And I will admit I was there to drink and have fun.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
We can have Pambo drive us around and we can hang out of the car screaming, yelling, making fun of people, staring at funky cemetary objects...
Cept Pambo generally prefers to be "Miss Daisy". I just make her drive these days because she has the handicap parking pass, therefore we get the premium parking in most cases.
There is plenty of mayhem to be had though... wild side is never far away.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Sure, but the only problem with that is he's usually a man on a mission... get to where we are going in the shortest interval possible. Granted he did lighten up a bit on the trips to and from Michigan... perhaps we could persuade him to chauffer the mayhem around.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
My brain isn't working to add anything tho. Too tired.
I find myself to say pop and soda. i think that was after my trip to North Carolina when I was 8.
I hate hearing "Warsh" for "wash" drives me batty.
Funny story tho. On Twitter I have a Finnish friend and one day she said something directed at me and added "Ho" i knew that she didn't mean anything by it but I told her what it meant here. She was just using it as an exclamation. It was a good laugh.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Maybe we can subcontract the job. We need someone with a sense of adventure.
I know the perfect guy for the job... as long as he can handle me being all wild and crazy with you guys for a while and not just hauling my drunk arse out of the bar and making me go home & to bed.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.