While I was driving over here to Mom's I just got to thinking "There's gotta be a thread on what cars we have." So here I am. My first car was a 2fer. Meaning one car could not drive without parts from the other car. So I had a 1984/1985?(not sure on years) Buick Skyhawk. The original was baby blue then we had to add red parts from the newer car. I know that it ended up with a red door. It was horrible! But I loved it until the radio went out! Then I was crazy! I bitched until it got replaced. After I moved out and got some money I traded up to a White Grand Am. I don't recall the year. I killed the trans on that. And to this day I don't mess with the oil. My mom had the trans replaced without my consent for $800 that I had to pay! When the car started dying again I started shopping. I didn't like anything until.... the salesman waved this pretty red Probe GT in my face! It was really too much but I did it! I loved that thing! It looked so sharp when it was waxed up! But I hit debris on the freeway (tire) and messed up something to do with the oil. We cleaned it up and traded it in. I now have a 2001 Silver Tauras SES. We would like to get me something with 4 wheel drive, but we don't know yet. Hubby has a green 1999 F-150.
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 18:36, 2006-07-24
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"