"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson
Pambo wrote:Dudes! Just a quick drive-by while on a conference call. Howzit going all you addicts?
Who you callin' an addict?!
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson
It's weird you stop by today. On the way to work last night I was thinking about you and wondering how you were feeling.
I may have missed it, but I don't recall any recent updates on your health.
Has the surgery helped? I know it did initially, but if you had to put a percentage on it what would you say you are? Hopefully 100% again! I know that's probably just wishful thinking though.
I was good for a month then had some big setbacks. Then in December, I decided to throw everything at this & see if anything stuck. Went back to acupuncture & fortunately that started working for me again. Said what the heck & decided to go to a chiropractor after hearing a bunch of good stuff about one in a support group meeting.
Again, ever the skeptic, I don't believe in chiropractors...they aren't doctors, right? Anyway, so I went & after the very first appointment, I had improved. It went back to bad after a couple of days but I had 0 pain after that first appointment. I started going a couple of times a week. Last week, we figured that I went 10 whole days with very minimal pain!!!! As you all know, that's like a miracle. So, I've backed off to once a week treatments now. I'm not completely better but I've improved enough to back one of my meds down by 1/3. Again...miracle.
So, I am still a skeptic...but I made my husband go see the chiropractor for a neck/shoulder pain issue today. I told him that it might help...and prolly wouldn't hurt if it didn't help.
Well, that's fairly good news Pambo. I'm happy that you're getting SOME relief.
Believe it or not I think of you a lot. Pretty much anytime I have some ache or pain I think about how it must have been (be) for you to have so much pain all the time. Then I realize I need to stop bitching about my aching feet or whatever it is that's hurting me at the moment.
Glad that you're doing better. Chiropractic is the best. And yes, they ARE TOO "doctors"!! My chiropracter helps me with stomach issues, sinus issues, everything. And better than the "other" doctors.
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson