Ah, I didn't know about the thumping. It sounds a lot like the $900 I dropped on my car right before Christmas.
I really needed tires. Like really. But I thought I needed to spend the money on presents first. So when I got my bonus, I took my car in the next day to get tires. I was also heading up north that day to go to my sister's birthday party and bringing her back with me, so I really wanted to make sure my car was in shape.
Also, when I turned, my car would make a quiet thumping sound and feel weird. I thought it might be alignment or shocks.
It turned out it was a cracked half boot and a tie rod ball joint.
Yeah, there was something with warn ends of a sway bar or something like that too. I really had noticed the clunking a lot lately. the car just was riding rough.
That check engine light could be the death blow though. I hope it's not another $800.
I also need two new tires, the ones that are left from the dealer are falling apart. I swear those jerks put four of the oldest tires they could find on that car before they sold it. I've had to replace two because they were just disintegrating.
Now JR, I know it is your birthday, but I think we should have alittle something more than cake and ice cream all day. Would you like a pizza? A cheesesteak? Hot dogs and hamburgers? Fried chicken?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Ah, I will take you too Geno's or Pat's if you want. But I could do without them. There are so many local places that make a better cheesesteak. Even I think I make a better cheesesteak.
See, if you would come out this way for baseball when the Brewers are here in September, I could arrange these things.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Ah, I will take you too Geno's or Pat's if you want. But I could do without them. There are so many local places that make a better cheesesteak. Even I think I make a better cheesesteak.
My friend's uncle once took us to Pat's at 2 am in the morning once, just to get the authentic feel of the place. Of course it was packed even at that hour. He told us that if we see a limo driving by, get under the table. And he wasn't kidding! Fortunately, we saw no limos.
JR - I have the AA club about half an hour from the house and the AAA club about 45 minutes from the house. The big club is the longest drive at an hour.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
My friend's uncle once took us to Pat's at 2 am in the morning once, just to get the authentic feel of the place. Of course it was packed even at that hour. He told us that if we see a limo driving by, get under the table. And he wasn't kidding! Fortunately, we saw no limos.
I've always wondered if they do this at some of the restaurants in New York City and New Jersey. I figured I watched too many mob movies.
My friend's uncle once took us to Pat's at 2 am in the morning once, just to get the authentic feel of the place. Of course it was packed even at that hour. He told us that if we see a limo driving by, get under the table. And he wasn't kidding! Fortunately, we saw no limos.
I've always wondered if they do this at some of the restaurants in New York City and New Jersey. I figured I watched too many mob movies.
I don't know much about Philly, but in some of the neighborhoods we drove through to get there he didn;t even dare to come to a stop at stop signs....
There are areas here in Saginaw that the same thing happens; don't dare come to a stop. My city is becoming more dangerous all the time.
Hey Ghost, are there any signs of a turnaround there? I know you guys were one of the hardest hit areas the last few years. It almost seems hopeless for Detroit right now.
We were talking a few months ago about home values as low as $12,000 in the city. That's insane.
Hey Ghost, are there any signs of a turnaround there? I know you guys were one of the hardest hit areas the last few years. It almost seems hopeless for Detroit right now.
We were talking a few months ago about home values as low as $12,000 in the city. That's insane.
No, not at all JR. We are still losing jobs here, not so much UAW now but it's trickled down to long-time mom and pop stores, local restaurants, small businesses. Home values are a joke!.......falling off constantly. If things are rebounding in other areas of the country, it isn't happening here yet and I don't foresee it happening for a very long time. Granted, my property taxes are at the lowest they've ever been, but everything that is dependent on those taxes are suffering majorly.
THat's just it, with the falling tax revenue the city/state just keep digging a deeper hole. Services have to be cut, leading to fewer people and businesses finding the area an attractive place to be.
Some of my out of state friends have talked about moving. The selfish part of me wants to say COME TO MICHIGAN! But the sensible part yells STAY AWAY FROM MICHIGAN!!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
THat's just it, with the falling tax revenue the city/state just keep digging a deeper hole. Services have to be cut, leading to fewer people and businesses finding the area an attractive place to be.
What a mess.
We all keep hoping that we don't get hit with a major snowstorm....my city hasn't plowed during any of the past snows yet this winter....a big snowstorm is going to bring everything to a standstill. Every department in our State government is hurting for money and there just isn't any more to go around. I don't know what's going to happen, how many more hits/reductions in services anything can stand to take. Truly a royal mess. Our crime rate is soaring, police force is understaffed, firefighters are understaffed, insurance rates are rising.....this is not conducive to a new business coming in.
There are some neighborhoods in West Philadelphia that you do not want to be in, especially after dark. I suppose that is true of any city. I live out in the suburbs so I don't deal with the big city too often.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.