I think I caught the show once (pardon the pun) so I don't really recall the captain. But I'm still sorry to hear he passed away.
When it comes to strokes though, if it's a massive one I think you're almost better off dying. I've known a few people who have had them and wound up completely dependent on other people for the rest of their lives. I'd rather just move on.
From the way the story was written, he'd had one stroke recently that put him in the hospital. He seemed to be improving from that one then had the one that took his life. Very sad.
Since his boat is one that is frequently featured on Deadliest Catch, Phil's health issues have been one of the ongoing stories for the last few seasons. The camera crews even went along to some of his doctor's appointments and visited him at home when he first had to take a season off because of his health.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.