Hmm, so this is what it looks like under the bus . . . Thanks, JR.
I'm almost giddy about this new laptop this morning. I rendered out a 40 minute video of the boy's last music program and was very impressed. It rendered faster than real time . . . about 25 minutes to make a 40 minute video. On my old laptop, I'd start those things and let it run over night. A small 10 minute video would take about an hour and a half to render. Very cool.
I'm home with the boy again today. We'll paint on the tank some more and some things like that.
The tree guy is grinding the neighbor's tree stump right now and making lots of noise. I don't think I could nap right now even if I tried.
JR only THINKS he has all the pics of him playing dress up. Little did he realize that I had this classic stashed away. I got hold of it before he mailed it off to Playboy.....he thought he had a chance at being a centerfold in their "Girls of the Great Lakes" issue.
Good day, all! Its another rainy, dreary one here but its gonna be a good day. Why? One simple answer: its BONUS DAY!!! Sprint owes me a bonus check from my last 3/4 year in their direct employ and today is the day I'm supposed to get it.
I can honestly say I have never forgotten and gone to work someplace I don't work anymore. I did once mess up and start driving home to a house I no longer lived in... about 4 months after I moved out. Didn't notice that until I turned on the street and was thinking, "Who the he!! is that in my driveway?!?!"... then I remembered.
Slept in a little late today thanks to forgetting to set my alarm. I woke up thinking I was all happy that I slept so well... til I remembered that it is Friday and I was actually running late.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
JR only THINKS he has all the pics of him playing dress up. Little did he realize that I had this classic stashed away. I got hold of it before he mailed it off to Playboy.....he thought he had a chance at being a centerfold in their "Girls of the Great Lakes" issue.
Laugh it up chuckles!!!
We'll see who has the last laugh when I land the cover!
I think I can say I've never come into work when I wasn't supposed to.
There was one time that I forgot to ask for the day off, showed up to work, and then remembered I was supposed to ask for that day off and be somewhere else. It was when my grandparents were auctioning off the last of what was in their house and moving to Florida, the last day they would be in Indiana. I still kick myself over missing that.
There's been a few times that I've dreamed that my alarm was going off. I'd shut it off, get up, take a shower, get dressed, and be ready to leave when I realized it was a lot darker outside than I expected, only to find out it was 3am. And of course, by that point I'm more awake than I usually am at that point in the morning.
There's been a few times that I've dreamed that my alarm was going off. I'd shut it off, get up, take a shower, get dressed, and be ready to leave when I realized it was a lot darker outside than I expected, only to find out it was 3am. And of course, by that point I'm more awake than I usually am at that point in the morning.
I remember one time when I was still single, I woke up and had my work clothes on. Sometime during the night, I got up and got ready to go to work, but couldn't remember being awake.
Well, after taxes you can share my chocolate malt with me. How about that? I actually feel bad for the still Sprint employees. They are getting a harsh deal. My bonus for the first half of the year was locked in according to the contract with Ericsson. It was more than 100% of target. Second half was really bad...23%. So I get the full over 100% plus 23%. The Sprint employees get some calculated agrigate of that over the whole year. Additionally, next week I get a bonus from Ericsson for the last quarter of last year. We way exceeded our targets for that quarter, so we get 200%. Mathematically speaking, between the two I will get well over 100% of what my total bonus eligibility would have been had I worked for Sprint for the whole year. The still Sprint peeps get maybe 73%.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Our will probably be handed out Monday. (If you have accrued the expense for 2009, that is the date that it has to be paid by. Yeah, yeah the tax person in me snuck out. It happens.)
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I just went into the account to see if they have run ours yet. They ran the checks today and dated them Monday. We won't get the check until Monday, but since I am the only employee in my job #, I now know how much I will receive (the gross number anyway). After taxes it should be enough to buy a small dish of ice cream for everyone if you come here to claim it.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Unfortunately, from everything I had been hearing for the last three or four months it was not as big as I had hope or expected. Rumors had it they were going to try to make up for no raise last year as part of our bonus, I don't quite see that. Plus our numbers were great for the year. Oh well, I am lucky to be receiving anything.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Yeah, I was really shocked that we are getting bonuses from Ericsson too. Completely shocked at the apparent payout. My sup is supposed to come by today and tell me what my payout should be before taxes.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I forgot that 401k comes out of my bonus. There may not be enough $ to get everyone ice cream. I am going to have to limit it to the first five people who show up at my house.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.