Just checking in. I've been at work for 45 min and it's already Hell. I'm ready to pull my hair out. I'm so ready for this week to be over. My in-laws are still out of state. They were getting ready to head back here but my father-in-law started bleeding heavily when trying to urinate. He was taken to the ER 2am Wed morning. The urologist did not see him until yesterday! They discovered a tumor in his bladder and had to do surgery to remove it. Most likely it will come back cancerous with how bad his health is and all the smoking.
I miss you guys but I have to run. TGIF!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Mrs Web is having a really bad time at work right now. The bank sale/failure is going rough. The branch vice president went to a different bank a few weeks ago. Yesterday the branch president quit to start a loan office for another competing bank. (When an officer announces plans to quit, they are let go immediately.) The branch manager next in line is a corporate Lemming . . . I don't think she takes a poop without checking in with the home office first . . . she has no backbone, doesn't think for herself, and is not much use as a leader. There is no sound local leadership now. There will be officers from other regional branches coming in to keep things running, but its a mess. She wants to flee.
Good day, all! I'm so very happy that it is Friday. Not sure why, but this week has seemed like it has been an eternity long. Sure didn't want to wake up this morning, but here I am.
Nuthin going on here at Camp Happy. Work is grinding to a halt because of the upcoming "announcements". Tragic part of that is they are still about 2 weeks out. I have stuff I need to be doing, but can't really get moving on it until one of the "announcements" is made.
Hoping this day breezes right by. Its supposed to be a nice weekend here. Not sure what I'm going to do with it other than go to Miah and Marshall's soccer games tomorrow. Need to sort out what time that should be. I love watching little kids play sports. They are so dang funny.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Morning. Are we sure it isn't Saturday? If not, then I hope 4pm arrives quickly. I have had enough of the week and would like to go home. I need to do things that I have not done all week because of my arriving home late.
Anyway, our week of summer weather came to a screaching halt today. We had temps in the mid to high 80s the last four days and of course I missed it all. The cold front paased through, brought us some rain last night and cooler temps. We are back to spring temps now.
Work on!
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I just woke up and I'm still pretty sleepy. I laid down with the intention of just getting two hours because I'm off tonight and figured I could get my sleep in tonight. Yeah right, six hours later and here I am.
Oh well. I'll shower up and face the world well-rested I suppose.