You are smart and a hard worker TL. They would be dopes not to recognize and reward you.
The only thing working against you is pummeling your coworkers.
If you do switch jobs dont smack the new co workers. If you want, you can hire me to do it and then they can continue to think you are the nice girl we all know you to be.
Dylan wrote:The only thing working against you is pummeling your coworkers.
For the record, I have never harmed a coworker. A few well placed idle threats are occasionally needed. And besides, the big bosses don't know I have threatened bodily harm.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Dylan wrote:The only thing working against you is pummeling your coworkers.
For the record, I have never harmed a coworker. A few well placed idle threats are occasionally needed. And besides, the big bosses don't know I have threatened bodily harm.
I told my boss, the owner, that I was going to stab the Etch with a sharpie. My boss knew better to say anything. She isn't going to tell me not to, but it's probably not a good idea for her to verbally agree with me.
Yesterday I was telling the Etch about an issue with a supplier where our rep and his printing guy didn't get along. The Etch said, "If they don't get along, the owner should fire one of them. It's like if we didn't get along." Yeah, it's just like that, except she's for all purposes married to the other owner, so my boss can't fire her.
MzHartz wrote:I told my boss, the owner, that I was going to stab the Etch with a sharpie. My boss knew better to say anything. She isn't going to tell me not to, but it's probably not a good idea for her to verbally agree with me.
"I don't know what happened. She just snapped."
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Dylan wrote: Ghostie, sounds like a busy day for you...reading anything good these days?
Hi D!! I just finished four books. Three of them are by Dave Pelzer..."A Child Called It", "The Lost Boy", and "A Man Named Dave." He was severely abused as a child and wrote about his torment and his struggle to overcome it. In places his story made me people can do these types of things to a child and not think twice about it really p*sses me off!!
I also read "Thunder of Heaven" by Ted Dekker. It's his third book in his Martyr's Song series. Ever read anything by him? He has a number of different books out; many are in series. If you've never read anything by him I suggest you start with "Three" then move on to his Circle series (Black, Red, White, Green) or his Paradise series (Showdown, Saint, Sinner).
And I'm still working my way through Laurell K. Hamiliton's vampire series that feature Anita Blake but I'm having a hard time getting the rest of her books. I have to borrow the rest from different libraries around MI and some of those libraries won't share books with mine. I might have to buy a few in order to finish off the series.
What are you reading right now?? Got any suggestions for me?? I'm always looking for something new to read.