A new member! Forget it! I'm tired of all these wanna-be's busting in here thinking they can join our private club. JR, can't you do some freaking pre-screening? I mean, come on! this is just out of control.
Shove off, "WebGuy", we don't need no stinking new members!
(Hey! Can I list this response on the "Out of Character" thread?)
JD, this is Dovetails posting from the basement . . . I'm just starting over with 0 post count. I was on my way to the board. After thinking about it, I don't think I'll be able to serve on the board under it's current leadership. I plan to stay in the basement.
Oh sure, everyone's welcome to come on down and chill. The only thing we don't do down here is sit around and talk for hours about how much we talk about talking.
Hey, there are about three dozen donuts down here in the basement. They're on the table by the big screen. I'm not going to bring them to ya. If you want one, get come get it yourself.
I'm not cleaning the Penthouse. I didn't make that mess. Starting as a janitor up there somehow implies that there is a hint of desire to one day be a member. Down here in the basement, we clean up after ourselves. I like it that way. I'm now fully convinced that the Penthouse is not the place for me. I started over at zero posts to put myself as far as possible from that place.
Sorry Star, but your rules don't apply down here. Ya'll better be nice to me or I'll kill the power to the air conditioner up there.
I am so going to have to work on a Flash game for all of this. Battle your way down from the Penthouse, through the Boardroom, to the basement, collecting donuts as you go!
Was I supposed to share that stuff? 'Cause I'll finish it if nobody else wants it. Not bad once you get used to the taste. Kind of a fruity Drain-O flavor.