I'd really rather be at home in bed. I'm feeling a little better, but this cold is still kicking my butt. In addition, I got bitten by a neighbor's dog this weekend. (It's my own fault, I knew this dog wasn't approachable. But he was with the other dog which is very friendly, and without thinking, I went up and petted them both.) He only scratched the skin, but he left probably the worst bruise I have ever had. It's on my inside forearm, so I have to be careful how I rest my arm, and sometimes it hurts when I move my hand.
This is one of the days where I just want to hide from the world.
Morning folks. Cloudy day here and rain is due late this afternoon through Wednesday.
How about them Flyers?!?!
Hey JR - sorry that you feel my Phillies were rude guests in park over the weekend. Please expect them to be rude hosts when your boys roll into town over Labor Day weekend.
Let's work on.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Ugh, sorry about the cold and dog, Mz. That sucks.
Just another day here for me. I'm really looking forward to this bank stuff to be over. Mrs Web is NOT a happy gal lately. She was not wanting to go to work today at all. They have to have another "call night" (telemarketing) after work today. It is so stupid to have to do this fluff crap when the foundation is not stable and crumbling out from under them. She says it's like the house is on fire and we decided to bake cookies. Hopefully this week the feds will show up, take over, and get it in the hands of a new owner.
Morning all- Busy weekend. We found a vehicle that caught our eye in Atlanta so we did the four hr drive Friday night, stayed the night, kicked the tires Saturday morning and were driving it home that afternoon. Nothing beats cars.com!
Stopped by a winery in Chattanooga which was fun and made it home Saturday night in time for the annual Sunset Symphony where you take your picnic basket and enjoy the music in the field of one of our local antebellum homes.
Sunday, I got my daughters bathroom painted. She's turning 17 tomorrow and asked for bathroom update. The new house is all toupe so I understand. However... she chose Pepto pink which is quite shocking. Once we got the new black and white graphic shower curtain up and the new towels and rug, it looks quite cool. It makes her happy. That's all that matters.
Hi all! Just got back from our insurance company and the DMV; we bought a mini van on Friday, sold hubby's truck on Saturday, and had to get the van insured, registered and plated so he can drive it to work tomorrow. I've given JR a lot of grief over his mini van, but after driving/riding in this one I have to say they really are nice.....much more comfortable of a ride compared to that heavy-duty work horse of a truck we had! And the engine is big enough we can still haul our camper too, so it was a nice trade off.
Last night was movie night at my house. We watched "Avatar" and "Legion". I LOVED Avatar!!.....not just for the outstanding CGI in the movie; I thought it also had a good story line. Don't want to give it away and ruin it for those of you who haven't seen it yet. I didn't care for "Legion"; story line kind of stalled out for me and I didn't think the acting was so great; am glad I didn't go see it in the theater. Tonight I'm going to watch the new "Sherlock Holmes" and "Righteous Kill". Hoping these two will be good.
It's FINALLY stopped raining here, sun is out, and we're supposed to hit 70 today.
Mz, glad you weren't seriously injured by the dog bite!
Web, hope things at Mrs. Web's work place improve for her soon!
I didn't like Avatar. I haven't seen Legion or Righteous Kill. I have seen Sherlock Holmes. I don't know how much similarities it has to the actual Sherlock Holmes stories, but I thought it was a fun movie. I might even buy that one. I finally got to see Alice in Wonderland. I liked it, but not as much as I expected to. We also saw the first Iron Man over the weekend, I really liked that one.
I watched Legion over the weekend. It was different... not sure I can qualify like or dislike in its case. It is one of those movies that I thought could probably have been a little better. It was just weird for me seeing Lucas Black in anything other than American Gothic.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Morning folks. Cloudy day here and rain is due late this afternoon through Wednesday.
How about them Flyers?!?!
Hey JR - sorry that you feel my Phillies were rude guests in park over the weekend. Please expect them to be rude hosts when your boys roll into town over Labor Day weekend.
Let's work on.
Yeah, thanks a lot Fuzzy. Your boys probably single-handedly put the nail in the coffin that WAS the Brewers season.
8 games under .500 a quarter of the way through the season, I think we're all but done.
Hopefully we can play spoiler in September and put you guys a couple extra games behind the Mets!!!
In case you were unaware, the Phillies rock in August and September (even when they are not making the playoffs). Guess that means you guys aren't coming to town for the series then.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
But sometimes they do show it. But then they fall apart. They did make a few late runs at the Phillies this weekend. Thankfully (from my vantage point) they couldn't quite get there.
Now I can root for them again - until that early September series anyway.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.