Problems solved - "borrow" the blackhawk's team bus they aint using it , steal the gas (they been robbing us for years-payback time ). "borrow MZ.- at restaurants guys will offer to buy her dinner and she can slip it under table to you . "borrow " web's camera , heck ,"borrow" web . time off ? quit job. place to sleep here- you can share a hamock with Snowball , WALLA !!
He's got a great sense of humor. He's a sweetheart - boosting my ego when I need it by dedicating me songs! He gave me my title but couldn't think of his own. He always goes along w/ the gang. He can also be a wealth of knowledge on things like where zippers came from. Yes, Ray is just another reason we are so dynamic. To you, Ray!
Ray, my fellow Hoosier! Man Ray, we missed you while you were on vacation! Ray is so easy to talk to and get along with, he's just such a fun and easygoing guy!
Thump, you'll get your salute soon enough! You didn't miss any party if anything the party definitely perked up when you got here. Sparks top hat has now become a lampshade. Weftur is still wearing the blindfold from pin the tail on the donkey (it was his idea to play) and fuzzy is doing karaoke! Yeah, it's definitely a party!
BTW in reading CPs post about everyone being Gay to love Cher.
You are correct CP in that you do not have to be Gay to love Cher. Although I am and can feel privelaged to be the only Gay person here (I like that ) means its all about me .
Cher is multitalented and When I got to see her both times here in Tulsa in 2 years and got to meet her ( i almost went to the bathroom in my clothes ) She is amazing.
It is always a pleasure to talk to you. Your wisdom and insight is something that is valued on this forum. You are secure enough in yourself to love all kinds of music and respect other peoples diversity. A beautiful wife and gorgeous kids. Thank you for being here and a good friend.
I know that Star is not here anymore and I know that she cant read this but I still wanted to share my thoughts about her. I do not know the whole story and know that words and things were said and done. We are moving on past this but I still wanted to post this.
Though you are gone, You are still thought about here and were truly the goddess of Gab! Thank you for your insight and playfulness and your continued friendship.
The wisdom, insight,and humour that you bring to the Forum is unmatching. Thank you for being wonderful and caring people. Kindness is a human characteristic that is not found in everyone but in the 3 of you it is plentiful.
The 3 of you in one thread is enough to keep anyone laughing. your sense of humor and wit keep us going throughout the day.Thank you for being good people and great friends
Having you on this forum is like a breath of fresh air ( or ferret depending on what smells better YOu are a cool ferret with alot to offer and alot of insight,.You post when you can and never fail to offer a quip or a comeback. Thank you
Dude, you are one Hip cat. my Quiz partner in crime. quick to offer a word of sentiment or wonder about the men in the bathroom playing with the sheep. Thank you for your humor and friendship.
Thank you guys for everything and allowing me to be the cyber Chef. Your music cheers me up and keeps me going. Thank you for allowing us to express ourselves in a public setting free of hate and selfishness. The music and the shows would not be the same without you guys.
Thank you for creating a place for us to waste time at work on.
3 of the originals and definately the best. each of you bring something to the forum and keep us up to date on your adventures at Work, or play. Thank you. It's always a pleasure.