We've had some pretty fierce storms here all week. Trees are down all over the place, people without power... Unfortunately, we have power at work. But it does look like the storm blew our sign down. It was a big thick wooden sign. Now it's in 4 or 5 pieces. That kind of sucks, because we're hard enough to find as it is.
Morning all. I didn't sleep all that well last night and I am not sure why. Plus I have a bad headache. There isn't really any deadline work I have to have done today or tomorrow and I seriously considered staying home. But here I am. I don't want to be here.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I think I have "an admirer." When I went to that convention to sell my book, there was this one guy that kept coming over to my table, looking at the book, putting it down, and walking away. He even hung around my table a lot, standing over at the table across from mine.
Then when I got home, I had a friend request on Facebook from him. He sent me a message saying it was nice to meet me, and that he had wanted a book, but was out of money. Okay, seems nice enough, so I accepted the friend request.
Then yesterday, I got this message: "r u going to be coming to indy for the famous monsters convention? it would be great to see you again!!"
I replied, "We haven't decided yet. It depends on if anything else crops up and if the Dark Carnival/Atomic Film Fest guys are going. I'm not setting up a vendor booth at this one either way, I'd just be going as a fan." (Notice the "We" in that. And my Facebook relationship status lists me as married.)
He replied, "ah ok...well let me know, maybe we can meet up for a drink or something?"
Good day, all. I'm attempting to achieve some interest in this day... not successful so far. I could use a nap. Not unlike Fuzzy, I did not sleep all that well last night. For some dumb reason I was awake about every 2 hours.
Fuzzy... you should go home. Some days, it is just not worth chewing through the leather straps in the morning.
Thumper... I hope your day gets better. Glad you dropped by.
Mz... good luck with the admirer. Hope that doesn't go all extra creepy for you.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Ah, I am here. I will stick it out as long as the headache doesn't get to that crippling point. I am considering taking an anal glacoma day on Friday anyway. Sunny and 88*.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I brought the pickup to load the mower to take in for repair. Just before loading it I thought "Maybe I should try it just one more time", so I turned the switch to engage the blade and its working fine this morning. So, I'll try to finish mowing with it later and see what happens. Maybe it was just dirt in the switch or something.
What a busy week . . . VBS every morning, ball games, rain induced mowing, dentist appointments today, go-go-go.
Yay, I got the mowing done. I also have a lead on the mower issue. It seems to be heat related. I started it up and the deck engaged just fine. After I got done, I shut the deck off and then tried to start it back up again and then it wouldn't start. So, I either gotta get that fixed, OR I gotta remember to not shut it off until I'm done.
I might see if the ground is dry enough to mow when I get home. Not going to the gym tonight. After these last 2 nights, I feel a bit like I have been beaten on with a bat.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I mowed last night. Then it rain just a little over night. There were supposed to be some storms this afternoon. I couldn't tell if it has rained at all since I came into the office.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
As soon as I got out of the truck in the garage, I heard thunder. Inside of 5 minutes it was raining. We have a flash flood warning until 9PM, and the possibility of hail.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.