Every night at work we go out for our breaks on a deck that overlooks 16'th street. At the end of the block there's a bridge that goes over a valley.
We see a lot of interesting things on 16'th street. We've seen hookers giving hand and blow jobs to their johns. We've seen hetero and gay lovers going at it in their parked cars (this is a fairly busy street mind you, even at 3 AM). We've seen arguements. We ALWAYS see people speeding the wrong way down a one way street. We've seen a man stumbling up the block bleeding from the head after being attacked on that bridge.
Well last night, from 11 to about 3 there was one cop car with it's lights on and two detective vehicles parked on the bridge. They were off to the side, not stopping traffic, so it seemed kinda weird. Around 3 AM a news van showed up. A guy got out with a handheld camera and went and took some footage. Around 5 AM they finally all left.
This morning on the drive home I found out what happened.
Two boneheads tried to light an explosive device (not sure what kind) and put themselves in the hospital. They must have exploded something because one of them lost a hand. The officers were there all that time looking for it in the valley below.
One of the guys I met at the horror convention last spring sent me a true story that he wrote (not necessarily a horror story, just a bit of non-fiction). It was about when he lived in Milwaukee on 13th street. It sounds a lot like what you described.
I'm not surprised. The entire area down there is pretty sketchy.
Being on a college campus we're fairly safe because we have Public Safety officers constantly patrolling the area. I mean, I've walked equipment and stuff three or four blocks in the middle of the night and never feel like I have to watch over my shoulder. But I'm located right at the outskirts of the campus so I get to see a lot of stuff where Public Safety has little or no authority.
Good day, all. I'm still working on my level of wakefulness. Very glad it is WFH Thursday as it is going to be another long, slow day. Right now, its clear skies and supposed to be heading toward 90*, with a heat index of up to 102*.
WOW, JR... it is amazing how may morons are walking around out there. At least this one should be easy to recognize going forward. Most aren't considerate enough to blow off one of their own hands.
Hope everybody has a good day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
We have may a couple of univeristies down in parts of Philadelphia that can be like that. As long as you are on school grounds you are okay. Once you venture a few blocks off campus in any direction, you really start to worry.
Oh yeah, and morning!
Is it time to go home yet?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
We're looking to be in the mid 80's today. There is no rain scheduled for the next two days. That will make four days in a row with no rain? Weird.
Mrs Web was nervous about going to work today. They are now officially a full service branch and when she left yesterday, they still didn't have any money, and the software was not up and running yet. The IT guys said they were staying late to get done, and a couple people from other branches are coming in to help out if they get stuck in the new accounts process. Hopefully they are bringing some cash as well. This "we'll figure it out as we go" attitude is not something she deals with well.