I've got so many stories that I tell when the subject comes up in conversation. But when I'm told, "tell a story," my mind goes blank. Someone else tell one, and then I'm sure something will come to mind.
When I was a kid (about 5) I had watched a movie about an abusive father, the next day I was in the store with my parents and decided it would be funny to blurt out "please don't beat me anymore Daddy, I promise I'll be a good boy"! The horror on my parents face and the fact we didn't go back to that store for a very long time I stopped doing that from then on.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I have a November birthday, which made me the youngest kid in my class. Most of the kids were a year or year and 1/2 older than me. Thats a big difference when you are 8 yrs old!
So I was this tiny kid on the softball team. But I hit a 6 inch 3 run home run! the catcher and pitcher fell over eachother- overthrew the ball past the shortstop and second baseman who tripped over eachother covering the bag, the center-fielder wasn't sure if he should get the ball. Hero for a day!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
When I was in high school, we had a portable dish washer. Mom (rest her soul) would roll it into the kitchen in front of the sink and it would sit there and run. When it was finished, she'd roll it back into the utility room.
One day, the dish washer was running and something inside was banging against the spray arm every time it would come around. As I walked by, mom kept opening the door real quick to try to see what was banging around in there. Like all dish washers, you open the door and it quits running so she could never see what was making the noise.
Being the helpful guy that I am, I told her to just hold the door open and move the door latch over into the closed position so it would run with the door open. That didn't work. I looked at the door and found one more little switch that would get activated when the door was closed. I showed her that and told her to try and push in that switch.
As she was getting ready to push the switch, I started to think about the next step and what was about to happen. I took off running into the living room and looked back to see the show.
All I could see was my mom's back side as she had her head pretty much in the dish washer and water was violently spraying out of the thing. Water was spraying out from all around her and all over the kitchen. I remember my name being used in vain as she stood up and turned around. She was soaked in a matter of seconds. Her glasses were steamed over and so was her temper as the water dripped off her face.
She never did find out what was banging around in the dish washer.
When I was in middle school my brother and sister went along with me to watch a basketball game. My brother and I were pretty ornery. Afte the game, which our team lost, we were walking home and the other teams bus was going by so my brother and I had to defend our school and team so we flipped off the bus. When we got home mom asked how was the game we told her we lost. Then my sister, who was probably 5 or 6 at the time told mom " We even flipped the finger to the other teams bus." Needless to say mom wasn't happy and my sister didn't go to anymore games. In fact I don't think I was able to go for a few games.
I feel like I've told this one before on the forum, but if I did it was probably long before most of you were here.
When I was in grade school my folks got their first microwave oven, and when they were out shopping one day I decided to experiment with it.
I tried melting stuff in it, and tried various foods in there (I loved the fact you could dry out a peice of bread and basically turn it into a breadstick).
Well, I got the idea to try making a hard boiled egg, so I put the egg in there and nuked it for a few minutes.
When I pulled it out it was scorching hot, I remember I had to put it on a hot pad to hold it. So thinking I was being smart I held it over the kitchen sink to start peeling it, figuring if it didn't work the goo would drip into the sink.
I peeled off a little part of shell and saw that it did indeed look like it was hard boiled, so I peeled of another peice of shell and the thing BLEW UP IN MY FACE like a grenade. The rush of heat on my face was so intense I thought for sure I was burned and ran into the bathroom to douse my face with a wet towel.
When I went back into the kitchen I saw the egg particles were all over the ceiling and the ceiling fan. I wasn't tall enough to reach the ceiling with a chair, so I just cleaned off the ceiling fan as best I could. While I was doing that I heard the folks coming in the door.
I never said anything about the incident, and it had to be over a year later when I first heard my Mom call my Dad into the kitchen "Al, look at the ceiling, what do you think that is?"
They of couse asked me about it and I just said "I don't know"
My Mom wound up cleaning it up, but by that time it was so old and crusty she had no idea what it originally was :)
Ray's story reminds me of the rivalry we had with another small town team. After a big game we would gather in the Mcd's parking lot. A bus from the other town pulled in and almost all of them went inside. There was about 10 of us and a handfull of them came over to start a fight. Not a good idea. After all said and done one of the mothers came running outside and asked who hit my son! Being the smart alleck I am I said I think we all did at least once... well maybe twice.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I thought it was funny then, but in seventh grade and unmercifully teased my lab partner. I could not stand him. First rule in the chemistry was wash if you don't know what you got on your skin. I used to throw H20 on him, and yell, H20, h20 and he would run to the sink and beging washing. My favorite was NACL, NACL and he would run to the sink. He always told on me and I would just sit there with a blank look on my face and play innocent. The teacher smiled to himself everytime when my lab partner would say, "He put NaCl on me." I was one of those brats that always seemed to get away with it.
In the 9th grade we used to have a class called Basic Electricity. We all had our own boards with various switches and light bulbs and circuits on them. We had one kid in our class that noone liked so we would always switch his wires around to give him a jolt. One day it popped and sparked and the whole schools electricity went out.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
My little brother pissed me off one day, so I shot him in the leg with my BB Gun. I really din't think it would hurt or cause any damage. He was going to run and tell mom. but the clever cp had a brilliant scheme. I reminded him that the rule is that if either one of us shot the other BOTH BB guns would be taken. I held this over his head. A few days later he gets summoned to the laundry room and mom is asking why he had this strange hole in his jeans. He played along and said I don't know. Next thing I know he is getting screamed at because mom thought it was a cigarette burn. He never did give me up and I don't think he has forgotten or forgiven. But that's ok, last time I saw him he tried to take me on and I can still clean his clock.
In my aunts and uncles attic, the cousins had a bb gun rifle. There was an old over-sized parka that one of us would wrap up in and then get shot at. You didn't even feel the shot, it was just cool to run around up there shooting and getting shot.
Well eventually my uncle went looking for his old parka. When he found it, it was completely shot up and had probably 30 pounds of bbs in it. We never saw the gun again. 25 yrs later if it get bought up in one of those "good old days" conversations, he can still get mad about that-
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
My brother use to do this thing to me where he'd get me on my back then get my feet over my head so my knees were were on each side of my head and he'd hold me there.
As we got older, it was getting a lot tougher for him to get me in this position. Finally as I was getting closer to his size, in the process of this attempt, I got my legs locked around his mid section and I squeezed for all I was worth. He couldn't breathe. I just about let him pass out before letting him go. After that, he decided that picking on "little brother" was getting to be not so much fun.
Man, I was too good of a kid! Thinking back to all of the times I was spanked, grounded, etc., it was for stuff like not getting a dish clean, or coming home late from a friends, or dating someone that I was told not to date.
The only funny childhood story I can think of is when I was really sick one time and had a fever of 104. I was sleeping in the living room so I would be closer to the bathroom. Well, I got up to go to the bathroom, and in my mind, I was halfway through the living room, but for some reason there was this invisible barrier and I couldn't get any farther. I started to painic, so I started yelling, "I can't find my way!" My mom's boyfriend came out to help me and found me walking into the entertainment center. I just kept walking and couldn't get through!
Mz that reminds me of another one. I didn't want to go to school one day, so I got the hot steam vaproizer and held my face in front of it for as long as I could stand it. Mom put the thermometer in my mouth, the old fasioned kind. My temperature was normal despite my hot face. So I stuck the thermometer right at the base of the vapor. The stupid thing shattered with the heat. So here comes mom, I have a broken thermometer with mercury in the resivoir. I shoved it all under the bed. Mom asked what happened to the thermometer and I said that I sneezed while I had it in my mouth and showed her the shattered glass. Next thing I know I am at the hospital getting my stomach pumped and they began treating me for mercury poisioning. It was quite painful, but there was no turning back. I never did fess up to what I really did.
Man, never go for the fever! I had a problem with stomach aches as a kid. If I had too much pop, I got a stomach ache. If I had scrambled eggs, I got a stomach ache. If I had a presentation that I wasn't ready for, I got a stomach ache. Couldn't pull that one too much though, or people might start catching on.
I did have a test one time that I thought I was so prepared for. I studied for it, I read the materials, I showed up for class. The teacher gave us a few minutes to study before the test, and told us which chapters it covered, but I swear she added a chapter overnight that I hadn't even read. So I panicked. I was wearing light colored pants, and thought I could write notes on my pants to use on the test. Well, she caught on to what I was doing, so then I tried erasing it all. I ended up with a mess on my pants and a D on the test. (I was a straight A student.)
I remember one test where one of the girls got hold of it ahead and make tiny little cheat sheets. She was handing them out before class started. I had studied and didn't cheat. We also had a sub that day.
When our regular teacher got back, she knew we cheated because Gerald got a 98. I don't think Gerald really ever passed a test in his life.
So, the teacher just gave us the exact same test again. Those who didn't cheat actually did better the second time. The ones who cheated made it obvious who they were.