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The Goddess Of Gab

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Posts: 3530

why is webhead wishing me luck??? I really have no problem menstrating all by myself!!  I guess he doesn't have any daughters or tact!

I'd really love to share w/ you all of my personal views on birth control unfortunately it seems we can't be left alone in our thread!  We'll meet in the girls locker room.

My reality check bounced.

Permanent State of Confusion

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Posts: 27006

You need a copy of the guys of FFR in order to tell if the guys are hotties. Hmmmmmmm. Where is that calendar?


Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.



I use the patch, mine was last week sorry Star, not in the same cycle. MZ, my husband agreed to get snipped when I found out I was pregnant. I was using the diaphram and so Emily was a surprise, but the best mistake ever. Anyway, he said he would get snipped if I promised him he could keep the boat. I was afraid that we could not afford daycare and two new cars and a boat. Anyway, still no snip and still have the boat. I have been using the patch for 1 1/2 years. I love it. I would love to try Seasonale- the one where you only get it 4 times a year. But can you imagine the PMS!!

I am in the process of setting up to have a relatively new procedure done- Essure. They burn your tubes and it takes three months to heal, but you are supposed to go back to work in a couple of days, not weeks, like with tying the tubes.




Prophet of the Posts

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All right.  Let it be known that this is my one and only post to this thread.  I live with a wife, two daughters, and three female pets.  This talk is my day to day life, I come here for relief!

This is actually for your husbands.  Don't want kids?  Get snipped.  Quick, easy, safe (much more so than anything for the women) and no effect on your libido.  Needless to say, I'm in the "Shootin' Blanks" club.  Drop the machismo, guys.  Put your wife's well being first.



Not perfect, just forgiven.

The Goddess Of Gab

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Posts: 3530

wow!!  that was beautiful Wef!  I'm gonna go eat but I'll tell you guys what I think when I come back.

My reality check bounced.

Permanent Vacation

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Hm, I haven't heard of that procedure.  It sounds like it would still be easier for him to get snipped, but like I said, I'm letting him take his time.  Since we have no kids, we're also worried about finding a doctor willing to do it.




Doesn't Do Windows

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Posts: 25589

We have a little local radio station here with two guys that do a one hour morning show. They are always spouting off and teasing people on the radio.

One of the guys "Bob" said that a nurse he picks on got even. He was at the dr. for some little thing and sitting in a full waiting room. The nurse saw who it was and when it was time for him, she came out the door and said really loudly "BOB, we're ready to do your vasectomy now!"


CEO - The KOTO Co.

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  if it were i , i wouldn't have any thing done that was permenent . and yes , i have went to the 7-11 in the middle of the nite to get a box of those "girl things"  , the 18 year old at the counter thought it was funny , untill i pointed out that i would rather get these (for a girl ) than a playboy which was all he was getting ! he looked like like a hog had just bit em in the a**


Permanent State of Confusion

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Posts: 27006

Hey Queenie - I would think us virtual kids are enough for you.


Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.

Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

You've got it, 'Fuzzed!




CEO - The KOTO Co.

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Posts: 3800

    what about virtual pets ?  you can exclude virtual mangy flea bitten kats if you want to ! not tigers , kats. 


The Goddess Of Gab

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Posts: 3530

I friggen love Dave!!

My ex had a similar view on tampons - he was not afraid to buy them because a) he had a girlfriend and b) she wasn't pregnant. 

My reality check bounced.

Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

CEO - The KOTO Co.

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Posts: 3800

       smart guy , to bad he wasn't quite smart enuff to keep you in his life !


Chairman Of The Board

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My wife and I decided we did not want to have kids even before we got married.
So I got snapped and am a proud member of the "blanks" club.
It was the right choice for us and we both realized that my proceedure would be a lot easier than anything she could have.
I sometimes can't believe how much we share on this forum.


Permanent Vacation

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Maple, you've hit the nail on the head!  My husband and I had decided on our own before we met each other that neither one of us wanted children.  Now I'm just patiently waiting for my hubby to decide that it's time to get snipped.  He said that he wants to, and he would rather get fixed than have me have the surgery.  Did you have any problem getting your doctor to do it?  Did insurance pay for it?




The Goddess Of Gab

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Posts: 3530

I know maple, I know!

Let me tell you guys my story about the pill.  I was on it for awhile while smoking and I got a huge pulmonary embulism and almost died.  I was in the ICU and then the regular hospital for 10 days.  I had a heprin IV and was then on cumadin.  I used to put my supergirl t-shirt on the iv and walk it up and down the hall.  I called it "hep"  Ya know you try to make the best of things.  My mom came up and stayed w/ me dispite the fact that I had abandoned her earlier that year.  It was all during my divorce.  Ya know what else I had for a little bit - a catheder!!  I hated it!!  but that's why I hate the pill.  now all I use is condoms.  I don't like altering myself chemically for birth control means because of the side affects.  I think I'm going to go back to the best method out there.  abstinence. (I could do it, I'm tough!)

-no mean comments-

My reality check bounced.

Permanent State of Confusion

Status: Offline
Posts: 27006

If you think about it, it can be scary how much we share with one another around here.

Complete strangers, but not really. We are a strange family. I love it!


Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.

Chairman Of The Board

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Posts: 897

No, we did not have any problem with the doctor.
He did have us both sit down and reviewed the fact that the procedure must be considered permanant and were we both sure and comfortable with the decision.
We both were so it was scheduled and done.
I honestly can't remember if our insurance paid on it or not.
My wife had problems with the pill also, so that was not even a consideration.
I certainly did not want her getting sick when we had already made our decision.


Lord of the Lair

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Ok, I peeked.  But you don't scare me.  I had a mom, three sisters, now a wife, two daughters and even the dog is female.  Both of my parakeets are also female.  I'm surrounded so I learned to tune it out.  All I know is that I had litterally shook with fear when my oldest needed pads.  I was not emotionally ready to handle that.  Then she comes to me and asks if I would take her to the store.  I ask what she wants, she just looks at me and matter of factly said, "a bigger bra."  That was a difficult trip for me too--but hey part of being a dad, right?


Permanent Vacation

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Posts: 23086

There's no way I'm chancing it with condoms, that's how I was conceived!  I don't like being on birth control either, but I don't smoke, and I think of it as a temporary thing.  And I just can't abstain.  Plus, I'm married, so there's no way I'm quitting now!




Darth Raydar

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Posts: 3798

Hey CP I'm with you. Everyone is the house is female but me. I took my daughter bra shopping last month. Kind of weird but you do what ya gotta do.


The Goddess Of Gab

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Posts: 3530

don't sweat it!  I just wanted to let you know.  your good if you don't smoke and you absolutely shouldn't abstain.  who knows if I actually will?  just a noble comment.

but take care of yourself.


My reality check bounced.

Doesn't Do Windows

Status: Offline
Posts: 25589

Sure Ray . . .

It was for "your daughter"

Uh Huh.


Darth Raydar

Status: Offline
Posts: 3798

Ah you clever WebGuy! I'll have to show that to the wife and kids. I'm sure they'll get a kid out of dad in drag!


Leader Of The Banned


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Eerily similar to Jethrine on the Beverly Hillbillies 


Darth Raydar

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Posts: 3798

Ooooooo, that stings.


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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Posts: 12975

My wife was on the injection shots for a few months after we had the baby, she has been off for about 2 months now and is still screwwed up. She has hot flashes and has gained weight.

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Thumptastic: Chef of the Stars

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All I can say is this. When my girlfriend got pregnant ( No not mine) I met her when she was about 6 months pregnant and her previous boyfriend had abused her. after I beat the snot out of him, her and I started dating. All I can say is sex is the best when they are pregnant. I guess you could say I had a hand in how the baby turned out. definately chick magnet material.  and the mom was Irish. course I dated her sister to and honestly she also had problems with the pill. I always had to use condoms. I prefer it that way. you slip them off and you are done. with a woman they almost alter themselves and I dont think thats right.  I liked my women to be all there.

The best thing this side of a stove

The Goddess Of Gab

Status: Offline
Posts: 3530

who are you?? are you the thumper we know?? girlfriend?? hunh??

My reality check bounced.
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