Congratulations on 500. You probably have 1000, but half are anonymous. Either way, You are always insightful and show a common sense that isnt all that common anymore. Ruby is right. I always chuckle at your jokes. I even find myself saying, I wish I would have said that. So keep posting, and if you arent here, hope the poker tables are treating you well. Good luck with the biz too.
WoW and thank you all for the kind words ! normaly i use milestones to bust a certain butt, but she has been nice lately so i'll let her slide , lol , that and 500 got here so quick i didn't notice it in time to set her up . on the spelling , is it i before e only on the words people never use or what ? drop the e when its ing unless you forget then it's ok ? what the heck is ` and ~ for ? theres a TAB button too but i pay for my drinks in cash ( must be for CP )
CP- nah , every town needs an OTIS ! lol , just playing bud , on drinking in general - if its not affecting your job or home life than you (or anyone ) are probly O.K. as for me , how i never got a DUI back in the day is one of lifes greatest mysterys . i aint proud of it , wont do it again . nowadays 3 drinks and i get a hangover that would stop a tank . the last time i went out to a bar was 6-8 years ago . it was the" world famous Club La VELA".... my friends all agree on one thing , they never want to see me drunk again ! i have oblidge them .