I feel kind of bad Ruby. I am trying to get to 250 and only 3 posts away I get the quilty feeling because I have been posting continuously on the name thread and the word association threads. is that wrong?
I do now. look at the numbers!!!!! signed up on Monday 07/25/2005 and already at 252!!!!! To much pressure and Star told me to make 250 this weekend and I did it this Morning. lol
Thumper, take this for what's it's worth, but my suggestion would be "don't worry about it".
Sure, it's fun to see how many times you've posted and notice the "milestones" but does the number of posts you have really matter? Just say what you want to say, have fun, and enjoy some time with your new friends! If you are worried about post counts then it will become a contest. Most of us have enough of that in our virtual words that we don't come here for it too.