Am I the only one who can't wait to get to the long holiday weekend? It can't get here fast enough.
I just got up, now I gotta plan some kind of meal for supper. Any ideas? And no MZ, I don't want one of your zuchinni's. The only think I like Zuchinni in is bread. Though, I do have a breadmaker, so maybe I should take one.
I'm really looking forward to the long weekend. Probably going to see about switching my WFH day to Friday this week since it will likely be a largely useless day in the office.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I'm finding the key to cooking zucchini is to cook it until it's soft. In everything I've ever had zucchini in from a restaurant, it was always a little firm, and I don't like zucchini like that. But I put it in some shrimp pesto pasta the other night, thinking I could hide it. I boiled it with the pasta until it was soft. It was good. Last night, I just cooked it in butter with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. I was going for a home fries type thing. Instead they ended up as mush. But I put fried onions on top, and they were really good.
I was being super lazy. I stopped at Costco on my way home. I decided to buysome bagels and then on the way home decided that is what I would eat. I got home around 7. Since I didn't defrost anything, I didn't feel guilty about my dinner.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I ended up having pizza for dinner at Ricco's Italian Bistro with the BFF, his boss, and some people from one of the vendors they work with. It was lots of fun.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.