Morning all. Apologies if I've misplaced our Wednesday thread. No big stuff here. Last day of the month so busy busy busy. Hope you all have a great day!
Good day, all. Sorry I was delayed in getting here this morning... dealing with some office pettiness this morning. It is a shame when adults act like petulant children.
Beautiful day here temperature wise so far... presently 72* and sunny. I'm glad of that because today was "have a wreck or a breakdown" day on the interstate this morning. Listening to the traffic report on the way in this morning, literally every highway and interstate in the KC Metro area was backed up for one reason or another. On my route to work there were two accidents and one stalled car within about three miles of each other.
Ah well... it is Wednesday... the week is almost over. Hump on everyone!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I had three SSL certificates to renew for customers. I did all three and all three broke and were throwing "Untrusted Certificate Provider" errors. After a bunch of unsuccessful troubleshooting and then anohter 30 minutes with a SSL help support dude, I found out that Thawte decided to change their root certificates. So, I had to go back and chain older CA's to the newer Roots to avoid the errors.
Let me say to you that we put our second and third basemen on the DL yesterday. I don't think you want them. The Phillies should have won two of three from a good Reds team. Sorry they couldn't help more JR.
It is fine. Now we will just have the Phillies take it out on the Pirates this weekend.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.