Well, it sounds like you won't see much of me today. We've been having trouble running reports since we switched our website at work, and now it looks like donations are getting dropped! I am so pissed, I can't even rant...
I'm tearing my hair out over here to get the metal ballads that everyone wants! And no one is here!! Where is thump? Does he think he can tag me? He's not even it!! Ahh!!! Everything is falling apart!!
OK, one part of the problem fixed. Their software was pulling a different date range than it said it was pulling. But, we still have donations that don't have donors! And, one lady gets whining about it and asking me why it isn't working. Well if I knew why, don't you think I would friggin fix it? And quite frankly, I don't care why, as long as it's fixed! And if you have to do something different to get an accurate report, be thankful it's accurate, don't whine that you have to do it a differently!
Star I am here today but they are watchng us like we are in frigging Kindergarten. I love my job but sometimes it really sucks plus on top of that, now that I have shown interest in becoming a supervisor I get watched more closely and have to mind my ps and qs. They dont like us listening to internet radio because it kills the bandwidth.
However I sneak it when I can.
I am here in spirit Star. I will be on tonight. although by the time I get on it may be to late for you there in Florida. ( almost 11)
I bought me some balloons at lunch. Hopefully, people will be a little cheerier when they come in my office now. It's funny how something bright and happy also has a way of saying, "Don't f--- with me today!"
I'm not working overtime tonight. I don't even want to work my full 8 hours today. I want to go home and read a book and let my mind go somewhere else for a while.
dang! I'm dying to leave!! I'm suppose to get my new car and my dad is out looking at Jeeps and says this place has a lot of nice jeeps and I am stuck here!!! I need a jeep balloon!! Does anyone else think a jeep is kind of redneckish?? Because I love them but now I'm kind of thinking that!! Ahhh!!! I just need to try them out!
Nah, I'd drive a jeep, and I'd like to think that I'm pretty far from being a redneck. I think jeeps are cool. Now, if you put a confederate flag on it, you may be pushing the line...
OK, back to ranting about work. There is one person here (let's call her Daisy) who has been driving me nuts lately! We just launched the new website. One of the things I added was an additional way to make a donation, to hopefully make it easier to donate. This does mean that we will have to run an additional report to pull these donations. One person in our office won't stop whining about having to run this additional report, and would rather me take the additional method off of the website. It takes 4 clicks, literally, to run the additional report. Personally, I think the 4 clicks is worth it if we may be getting more donations out of it. I think she just likes to whine. I like to look at things positively, and some days, she just brings me down.
Also, our lady that normally takes the mail to the post office was out of the office for a month. Since I'm usually rushing to meet the deadline to post mail for the day anyway, I volunteered to take it while she was out. Well, right before she left, she broke her foot. She's back now, but she's still on crutches. I told her that if the mail was too much for her, to let me know and I'd still take it. Usually, it's just a few letters, and she just drives up to the mailbox. But the past couple days, we've had some larger envelopes and packages, so she hasn't been able to take them. On these days, as she's leaving, Daisy says to her that she'll take the mail in. Then, Daisy ends up coming to me and saying, "You can take the mail in." This has happened at least twice already. I don't mind taking it, but why does she say she'll do it when she really has no intention of taking it?
I actually really like my job, I've just had some bumps lately. I just need to vent, and I'm glad you guys are hear to listen to me, lend me your support, and let me do just that!
Again, Dave, I don't mind taking it. I like the break. But she's trying to look like she's helping without even doing anything, and that's what makes me mad.