JR - you make me giggle. The Brew crew may have been hot lately or on some kind or roll as you may call it, but they suck against the Phillies. I think The Phillies have taken five of six this year or something like that. Plus, you are coming here. You have nothing!
Seriously, is there anything in Wisconsin besides cows, corn and cheese? But I can get those here. I can't say I know of anything there that would make my day. You should have to decide. I'll put the tastykakes up as bait. Dylan is probably glad he didn't try to force the bet last time. The Phillies took all three.
Bring it Brewer boy!
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
You don't understand. This is not the same Brewer club that has been on a 20 year humiliation tour of the AL & NL.
Rickie Weeks at second is gonna be a phenom. Bill Hall at third is proving to be the real deal. JJ Hardy at short is the next Robin Yount. Our pitching staff has been amazing 1 through 4.
We're DEFINATELY gonna take 2 outta 3 from you guys this time. THAT'S if we're feeling generous, otherwise it will be a sweep!
Now lets see, we're gonna take 2 of 3 from the Mets this week, so we'll arrive in the city of brotherly love one game under five hundred.
We should be heading back home no worse than 500, probably 2 games over.
I'll think tomorrow about something that could represent the state of Wisconsin for my side of the bet. There's a lot of cool stuff, but most of it wouldn't keep during shipping.