JD & I have decided to form an actual "Board of Directors" for Freeze-Frame Radio.
This board will consist of five members, one of course will be myself, and a second will of course be JD. The other three will be members of the forum that we ask to be a part of it.
The board will be anonymous, meaning we will not announce who is part of it.
I'd like people to think about whether or not they would be interested in being a part of it, so that when we ask in a few days you have an idea if you want to accept it or not.
The purpose of the board will be to help us as we continue to grow Freeze-Frame Radio. As the membership gets larger and larger it is more difficult to simply ask the forum at large about issues. A five member board can help expidite certain decisions.
The issues we would bring to the board would include advertising ideas, contests, site improvements, music library decisions and other topics like that.
Of course, there will always be issues that JD & I must decide for ourselves, but when a decision can include the board we will defer to it. While the two of us will be members, we would not have the power to sway a vote because there will be 3 other members that are not part of the station.
PLEASE do not feel offended if you are not asked to take part. Since there are only 3 spots obviously we can not ask everyone. We may wind up asking people to serve a "term" of say 6 months or a year, and then switch out.
I think this a good way to keep this station something the listeners have control over.
PS. Being a board member will NOT involve a lot of work. I imagine it will be a matter of an IM meeting or even just some email exchanges once every month or two.
I agree. Good idea. I really like the rotating members idea. That way everyone has the opportunity to take ownership of the station. I propose an off-site meeting in February in say Palm Springs?
JR - sounds like an interesting thought. As a group, you know we would like to help the station grow. After all, that is what you are supposed to do with a business, right? I think it also helps shelter you and JD from taking the brunt of any issues that we may bring upon ourselves and it keeps you guys from being considered the evil ones.
October and February covered, so where will the December meeting be?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
From your Avatar I don't know if you're a GW fan or a GW detractor.
On the one hand you may be honoring him by using his photo, on the other hand he has that facial expression that says "DUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUH", so it may be a shot.
I don't wanna know I'm just going to tell myself you like the guy
Well, now that I'm on the bottom of the list I guess I'm back to "ground zero" but I would love to be on this board if it's a serious thing. I'm always coming up w/ new ideas. What ever happened to the link I suggested for the front page, Riggs?
Okay, I thought it would be cool to have a link on the front page that said tell a friend about FFR. and when you clicked it a window would come up as a new e-mail message w/ a message already in it about FFR (Mz wrote one we can use) and then there is also a link in the message the sends the person to the site or forum whichever we decide.
JR, if you want to do this, we eihter need PHP (most hosts run PHP) or a forms processing script. The main thing we'll need to be careful about is to make sure that no one can use it to spam others.