I think everyone knows that conflict is very rarely one sided. Sometimes it is even impossible to say who started it. More importantly, the question of resolution and how to repair hurt feelings becomes the issue.
I think you have shown yourself to be a man of character and conscience with what was a very well worded and contemplative apology. I just wanted you to know that your sincerity and good intentions were commendable.
You did the right thing here WebGuy and I applaud you.
i've been through there! We had a family reunion somewhere close to there. I can't remember what the name of the town was but it had about 15, 20 people there. Any Ideas?
The only thing I really remember about Broken Bow, and this was about 12 years ago was a gas station we stopped at and they were still renting movies on the big laser discs.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I don't know them but my wife says she knows of them. She doesn't think she'd know them by sight but the name is familiar. My wife works in one of the local banks now and she was the chamber of commerce director for about 5 years before that so there are not too many people in the county that she hasn't met somewhere along the way.
Don't know the Minden or Kearney people. Much bigger towns there. We go to Kearney quite often. It's 65 miles from there. We had to run there last night to get to Walmart because my wife had to order a new lense for her glasses.
We still want to come up that way sometime. Maybe next spring we could get away for a couple days.