In case anyone is interested in the soap opera... So Rex and Ex-Roomie are talking. He's got the refrigerator of a typical bachelor, so he's been running to fast food places to get her food. (She doesn't have a car, her driver's license is suspended, but I don't know why she can't walk.) But, she still won't let him stay in his own house. She's not even sleeping in the main bedroom.
He got the paperwork for the divorce yesterday. I think he plans to file it today. If he doesn't follow through, and/or if he goes back to her, I'm going to smack him. Literally.
So he stayed on our couch again last night. Our property is pretty nice, and all of the units are townhouses, but the parking lot is around the outside of our property instead of in front of the doors. So every once in a while, there will be a rash of car break ins. So to add to everything, Ex-Roomie's car got broken into last night. Obviously they took his stereo, but he also had his tools for work and most of his clothes (since he'd been kicked out of his own house) in there too, and now they're gone.
It's starting to get really hard to stay out of this. I really want to tell Rex that she better let him back into his own house, or she'll have to deal with me. I could take her...
Ah, Thursday. My last workday of the week. I have tomorrow off and will be heading to DC for some baseball and sightseeing. It has been years since I have been in DC so I think it will be okay. I don't think the weather will be that bad. Mind you I did not plan this trip. I would not have planned walking around to revisit historical spots and museums in this hot weather. At least both of the Phillies games (Friday and Saturday) are at 7pm.
Is it time to go home yet? I am looking forward to darts this evening and then a nice sleep-in day tomorrow. It may be my last good night of sleep until Sunday night. I don't sleep well when I am not in my own home.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Yeah, him being kicked out of his own house when she was the one who disappeared for a time is just wrong . . . but then what do I know?
Wow, summer feels like it's over. The county fair starts this weekend. It seems like once fair hits, summer is winding down because school is only a couple weeks away (Aug 19th).
It's wet and misty this morning. I wish it would go ahead and rain good and hard.
Good day, all. I was thinking today is more like "three car pile up" Thursday... saw 2 of those bad boys on my incredibly slow drive into work this morning. Ah well... I'm here now. We'll see how the rest of the day goes.
Mz... Since it is ex-roomie's lease, he has every right to be there. She has little to no right. He should go home and kick her out. Just my opinion, but I'd kinda refuse to be thrown out of my own home like that. I sincerely wish him the best. Hope he files for that divorce, then decides to put a lot more thought into it before he gets married again.
Hope everyone has a good day. I'm downing some more caffeine. For some reason, I'm really tired today.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
They have the enrollment signs out in front of the school by my house. Back to school supplies are all over the stores... seems like summer just got started.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Argh! So I told our leasing office that his car got broken into. Their response was 2 fold: They'd ask the police to do a drive through every night for a few weeks. And if Ex-Roomie is staying there, he needs to be on the lease. I replied that he and his wife had an argument and that he needed somewhere to stay for the night.
Oooo fun! I never had to worry about clothes shopping. When you wear a uniform, it takes all the fun out of it. 12 years I tell you. And kids are much more comfortable these days that the stinkin' uniform I wore in grade school for 8 years.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.