I slept terribly last night, and when I did get some sleep, I had a bad dream.
In good news, Rex is gone! Ex-Roomie has his house, and hopefully his life back. Now he just has to wait for the divorce to be processed. Hopefully she'll sign the paperwork without a fuss.
I had a rough sleeping night too. I bet I woke up 20 times.
The county fair is underway. We had the parade Saturday evening. Sunday night was a gospel singer (we didn't go). Tonight is the free pit bar-b-queue followed by bull riding (we are not going). Tomorrow night is the Sammy Kershaw concert (we're not going). Wednesday night is the motorcycle and ATV races (the boy wants to go).
It looks like a lot of the fair events will happen without us.
My rough night was the night before (Saturday into Sunday). I couldn't fall asleep until 5 AM, then when I finally did fall asleep it was very broken up.
Last night I slept a little better, but not well enough to feel refreshed. I really had to force myself out of bed this morning. A nap is in my plans for this afternoon so I'm fresh for work tonight.
But if I don't nap until 7, I won't be ready to go to sleep at 11.
After all the walking I did Saturday and Sunday, I am sure I will head to bed early tonight. Hopefully I will sleep and not just lay there and toss and turn for a while.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Good afternoon, all. Checking in excessively late. It has been a busy day for me and honestly I have been is a really 'fo schizzle' mood all day long. Pist at my boss in a major way. Didn't want to come into the office because I knew he would try to talk to me about it... which there is no point in talking about it because he is just going to tell me to STFU and deal which is only going to make me angrier.
Speaking of not wanting to talk about it... Little Man just tried to get me to talk about it. I'm quite positive the boss sent him over to get it out of me since his previous attempts didn't work. They really don't like it when I go all quiet on them.
Hope everyone had a better day than what is implied above.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
If you have gone all quiet on them, they know you are extremely ticked off. At that point, they really should just leave you alone. And I think they know it.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
The boss decided to leave me alone after about 5 minutes of unsuccessful attempts at getting me to talk about it. Pretty sure he sent Little Man and one of the other guys to talk to me at different times. Other guy pussed out and just asked me if I knew where one of my co-workers was.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
True dat... it seems to be universally understood that as long as I am fussing about stuff, regardless of volume or language, I'm still pretty okay. Its really not good when I go all quiet. Generally that means something really evil is about to happen. In this case, that was not it. I just recognize the futility in trying to fight the bad situation and decided to STFU to keep from making it worse.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.