A friend sent me this site and it is so addictive. You have to click on the abombidable snowman and hit the penquin as far as you can. I hit it to 315 once. It sounds cruel but it is fun! besides if you have your speakers on you can hear the penquin shout WHOOOOOOOOO!!!! copy and paste this link.
LOL hey thump- we had this set up as the official "Freeze Frame Complaint Department" link on the home page for a long time, but the site we got it from has since crashed! Glad to have the game back tho! Riggs was soooo mad cuz he was so addicted to this game!!!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
I had this game as one of my websites of the day! but it is a newer version on this website and there is even a multi player game thats good, you have to sign up but its tottally free, im a member.
here is the link agian if anyone wants to check out all the other games
I had seen the penguin before. I always wondered how far a penguin could fly. I hit better than the Phillies did yesterday. I played about six times today and 323.5 was my best mark.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.