It looks like Dave's banishment was short lived!! And Ultimo thanks for your comments as well!!! To save y'all the trip over to the mothership site, here is what dave and ultimo said! Thanks soo much guys!
It may sound like my fellow members of the Freeze Frame Radio Forum are spaming and saying the same stuff but thats just because its all true, FFR is like no other station for interactivity, I'm not going to say you must come and listen to FFR but I think you are missing out out on a great station if you don't even give it a try!
JD and Jeramy Riggs (the dj's) are hard at work (the norm) on a new item , its called wierd news with MZ hartz, it will be on the main page - mz is a forum member( I believe its her idea !) also they have put up the stations (snail ) mail address so we can send them stuff to play, post or pass on to other members . Its already a hit and its only been there a week! side note- wish i were a DJ, they got girls bringing cookies to the station ! side note 2 - a member (RAY) was at the brickyard, he works as a photographer , he posted some great pics of the race , come check it all out !
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09