Just curious- I am able to check the station stats remotely from home- and it seems that the majority of listeners at night are VIP listeners. Is any forum member a VIP listener, by chance?
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
No it does not show who, CP. Just X amount of listeners as regular, Y as VIP.
I received a PM wanting to know why I was asking- It is true that the more VIPS that are tuned in, and the longer they are tuned in, the cheaper it is to run the station. I had just noticed that at night, the amount of VIP listeners far surpassed that of the regular listeners- where-as during the day, its the other way around.
I also have received several inquiries: "Why don't you accept donations like other stations!?!?!"
3 ways to help the station-
1. tell your friends about it.
2. Go VIP if you can, and tune in a lot! You get cd quality from the VIP player.
3. Buy a t-shirt or mug from the merchandise thread if you can, and show these off. We get a tiny commision from this, but the exposure would be awesome!
Irregardless, do what you already do! Just tune in and have fun right here!!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
loop hole ! - he said ASK which means i can if i want ! cause he didnt ASK !! ha ha , (i shudda been a lawyer lol ) seriosly thou, there is a difference , if i sent cash and you put it in your pocket that would be more like charity . but if i sent cash and you bought a cd for all to hear then wouldn't i be helping the station AND the listeners as well ?
aww dave. You'd be other station's DREAM LISTENER!! So many of the sites have buttons
That's just not us! However, if you were to buy a cd that we don't have, and would like to share with the station, you could just mail it up here instead of burning a copy and mailing that. We promise to burn it into the collection and mail it back!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
My question is this: I notice that you can follow a button to "buy" a song. If I were to do that does it help the station? Do you receive any profit from it? Just wondering.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
nah fuzzy thats an all live365 and Best Buy monopoly on the player right there! Don't help the station a bit! When Riggs was doing the online cd store, that thing INFURIATED HIM!!! The station was initially to help promote 80s music, the specialty of his store, and here the dang player was sending people elsewhere!
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
interesting view JD. I am not a VIP because I am to cheap and cant fit it into my budget right now. But I feel I get the best here anyways. Besides Any copies that I make are already burned and you can keep the wonderful CDs
Look for the xanadu soundtrack next week when I send it along with ooodles and ooodles of jazz and more 80s
The deal was, though I didn't tell Riggs this, that I would become a VIP when I could listen from home. The same day he added the 32k line, I became a VIP. I figure you guys can get my pennies.
So the 32k line IS DEFINATELY helping pay for itself a little!
JD LOVES the 32k line because I think it really helps the Sunday night hours. I suspect there's a lot of people listening from home on Sunday night (most if not all in fact) and many probably have dial up.
After-all, anyone who likes jazz is probably still using rabbit ear antennas instead of cable, talking on corded phones and playing vinyl records, so it would stand to reason the audience hasn't moved up to braodband yet
You really make money when a vip is logged on and listening? I will admit that i keep my FFR on from about 8 or 9 am to 7 or 8 at night. But, if you get paid, I will just mute it during the night and keep it on 24. Would that help?