Very good Sparky This next one is embarassing, if for nothing else, because I was clueless! We will see who gets this or is not afraid to admit they knew!!
Question 43.
To what does the obscure song "Turning Japanese" refer?
Actually thinking about the lyrics, I see it now. I guess I always likened it more to Centerfold-type fantasy, but now I get it. I don't quite get the Turning Japanese slang though.
So of course I had to look up the lyrics. Sparky, you're corrupting my young impresionable mind! There's a song by an artist from Chicago (I can't remember his name, it's on a mix CD that a friend gave me) that I love called, Just Give Me A Kiss. I'll be you can guess what that song's about! (Now that I think about it, that same friend included Dynamo Hum by Frank Zappa on the same mix. Maybe he was trying to tell me something...)
Isn't it amazing how when we were younger we had no clue what some cartoons and songs really meant? It is interesting to notice it now when looking back on some things.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.