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Grand Poobah


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The Fun Struggle

First striking out on one's own; one learns the rough knocks of life; the living off of ramen noodles during exam week, the realization that a part time job is not going to pay for a full-time life. Establishing oneself is a struggle. But as this usually happens when one is young, energenic, and filled with hope; fun times and shared company in the same boat as you could often make for a whole bunch of fun. Do you have any fun "first" striking it out on your own stories??

I remember being 19, in college part time, working part time, but had the fortune of having roomates in their late 20's /early 30s. There was an unspoken but understood rule of quiet time after 10 pm. that if any beer was borrowed, it was replaced the next day, that absurd messes would not be tolerated. These folks made my first excursion into the world sane. Danielle taught me how to cook, John taught me car repair, and Pete taught me that beer should be appreciated for quality, not quantity. What I had to offer was a share of the rent that allowed these people to save up to buy their own homes. So it was win, win!

After each of these people eventually left to get married, buy their homes etc, I was left with the responsibility of finding new roomates, assuming the bills under my name etc.....and 6 months later we were evicted!

I was bitter for quite some time, until my dad said "Look, that was a nice home, the landlords live upstairs....think for a moment, if you owned it, would you want a bunch of 20 yr olds living in it?"  NO. Of COURSE NOT. The light-bulb went off. It wasn't personal!

But these were the days of being able to bring $1.25 to the corner market, getting a 40oz of Old English, and a pack of Ramen Noodles and being ok in the world for another night!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09


I moved out the day I turned 18. Xmas eve. My dad and I could not get along because I did not go to college.

I lived with an assortment of roommates. I first moved in with my boss at work and another guy that I worked with. I slept on the couch and realized that guys are slobs! I also learned that I needed to be self sufficient, but being a girl always helped me get by!

Shortly after that I met a guy who was 13 years older than me. I was in love, but he was just trying to help me out. He let me stay there until I was able to afford my own place. He taught me to be strong and trust myself. I also learned not all guys want only one thing.

I got a duplex and everything in my name and then went through a ton of crappy roommates. I worked in a bar for three years and most of my roommates were people from the bar. Girls and guys it never seemed to work out. I was always the responsible one though.

I then got an apartment and had a girl roommate. That went ok until we both got boyfriends. Four people that just did not get along. However, my boyfriend turned into Zach's dad. He was my last roommate until my husband. Zach's dad and I moved into a trailer where I stayed even after he went to jail. I stayed there while I was in school. When I met my husband, he immediately helped me get into a better trailer in a better neighborhood. Eventually we saved enough to buy a house.

I think the most important thing for me was to be self sufficient, even if it meant living somewhere that was below par. If it was mine, then I felt safe and better about myself. Lots of ramen noodles and pb and js!!


Lord of the Lair

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I tried roommates when I was 18--I hated it.  By20 I was living on my own.  Those were the best of times.  I was making good money in Milwaukee--I worked at a hotel, tended bar at nights and weekends.  My favorite was Park Ave.  I would make 300 in a shift there, so I had cash to burn.  On days off I would take off for chicago and go bar hopping.

Then I got serious and went back to school, in Hawaii.  Again, good ole days.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

Park Avenue was "IT!!" That was THE place to be! I bet you probably poured me a drink or 20 back in the day CP!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Lord of the Lair

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Posts: 4763

That place was nuts--I was at the main bar on the ground level most of the time--the big thing then was to pour jellybeans, the drink--right down the throat--no glasses just strait pour into the open mouth.  Let me tell you the Tom cheated in Cocktail--you can do those tricks but not without having booze go everywhere--it drove me nuts to see the movie and knowing he was using capped bottles.


CEO - The KOTO Co.

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  my first out- of- the- house  was the navy , free room and board but way to many room mates lol , ive had a slew of em since , only had 2 that i would / will talk to , 1 in Texas named Greg Castro , we were such good friends that I used his name for my son's . the other is my best friend  Cyndi , we got along great ! and still do ! , (no not like that , hint- her favorite show is Ellen) .  I'll have to leave my little ole  low  rent trailer in a month or 2 as the property is being sold ,  with the rent around here as high as it is I really don't know what I'm going to do , the thought of a room mate that sleeps in a seperate bedroom has ZERO appeal , time to hit the lottery !


Permanent Vacation

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As soon as I turned 18 and curfew was no longer a problem, I only technically lived at home. Most of my stuff was there, and my mail came there, but I got a cell phone and basically lived out of my car. I was going to school full time, working full time, and dating my then boyfriend now husband. He was sleeping on a friend's couch, and I slept there with him for about 3 hours every day. I checked in at home for about an hour once a day, just to make sure everything was there and get my mail. Then we saved up enough money to get a crappy little apartment. This place really should've been demolished, it probably wasn't safe to live in. But we stayed there for a year and a half until we moved about 200 miles away, I got a better job, and we could live in a nicer place. Since I lived with my mom when she was single, living on my own wasn't hard, but living with a boyfriend took some getting used to. The first year living together was hard, but I think it made us learn how to live with each other and made our marriage that much better.




Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I think the struggles are really about learning a lesson in compassion. You see someone struggling, perhaps will never get past struggling, and for me what was once contempt and scorn turned into compassion. Life's not easy, not everyone makes it to where they should be. The whole early struggle taught me to ask "who am I to judge?" and be thankful for that I do have.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Super Star of Spice!!

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Posts: 1590

I think I'm still in the struggle.  But for me its about the journey not the destination.

I remember one of the most fun time of my life was when I was living in an apt. w/ my ex's bestfriends and preparing for the wedding.  I had more fun in that year than when we were actually married.  We went out w/ our friends, to baseball games, karaokee, and had Monday night dinners.  I had the worst boss I ever had but I struggled through it and had some fun in the process.  It was at a print shop and the guys in the back (where the printers and stuff were) were really cool and funny and laid back. 

I'm sure I will struggle more before I can look back and say yeah that was fun!!

I'm spicey!
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