I didn't sleep too well last night, and it's my DH's fault. (DH=Darling Husband [most of the time])
When I was trying to get to sleep, he was downstairs watching a comedy central special on a comedian whose album we have. He had it too loud, and I heard who it was, so I started listening to it. I asked him to turn it down, and he did and apologized, but now that I knew who it was and was familiar with the songs, the little bit I could still hear kept me awake.
Also, Brian's having allergy troubles too. During the night, he kept waking up coughing. I felt sorry for him, and didn't have the heart to banish him to the couch. I should have though, because he gets to sleep in and take naps as needed, and I have to be up and alert.
I'm on my last cup of coffee. I think today's a 2 cup day. I hope tea will work.
Good day, all. Seems like it should be Thursday already. Ah well... it has been a busy week for me. Not sure what all is on tap today, but I think another new project is in the works.
Hope everyone has a great day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I was impressed with the jackass kid that drives behind me from time to time on the county road -- the one that ended up in the ditch a while back -- he stayed behind me and was not all up on my tail.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
I should not do some work and instead should go research tires. Yes, tires. Fun. I don't have money to buy, mount and balance 4 tires. Did I mention I also need an alignment?
I really can't win this week.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Yeah, I need tires too, Fuzzy. And we also don't have the money to buy. I could have swore I just bought tires last year, but Mr. DS said it's been a couple years. I drive the hell out of my car -- it's five years old and already has 104,000 miles on it.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
We've had our car three years now and it finally hit 10,000 miles on our summer vacation in July. It gets driven most every day, but we just don't go anywhere. Sad, I know.
The staining is done. Tomorrow, I can start spraying lacquer. Yippee!
I can honestly say I know where about 1/2 of the miles came from -- about 200 rt /week to town for work and it's made six trips to see my mom in NM; the rest I attribute to jockeying kids around.
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
I just hit 40,000 miles yesterday on the way home. The car will be 3 years old for me in February. Unfortunately, most of miles are to/from work miles - 300/week.
The tires don't need to be replaced because of wear though. The ones that came with the car are wearing vewry well, although they sound awful. They are all choppy. I have a finishing nail in a place in the tire that can not be fixed. And since there are so many miles on them, I can't replace just one. And since it is AWD, I shouldn't replace just two.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I need back tires for my truck. The front tires are only good because one was replaced about 2 years ago because I split a sidewall one day when I was out off-roading with the BFF and I had to replace the other because it was excessively worn on one edge because of bad alignment.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.