I just read this. I agree with the judge. Also, I would like to see whoever he got this gun from to be in trouble. Obviously the gun was not in a secure location with a safety on it. At 12, we all know better, I am glad that apparently no one got hurt.
BOSTON, Massachusetts (AP) -- A juvenile court judge shocked prosecutors by setting bail at $250,000 for a 12-year-old boy charged with firing a gun in the city.
The district attorney's office had asked for $5,000 bail when the boy was arraigned Tuesday on a juvenile weapons possession charge.
Judge Paul D. Lewis said he had lost patience with youth violence after 23 years on the juvenile bench.
"These kids don't take responsibility for anything," the judge told The Boston Globe after Tuesday's ruling. "They're fearless. It's out of control. It's beyond out of control."
The boy's lawyer, Mariann Samaha, said he is developmentally disabled and has never before been in trouble with the law. She plans to appeal the bail ruling.
The boy, whose name was withheld because of his age, allegedly fired a .38-caliber handgun Monday evening on a street corner in the South End. Police officers heard the shot and saw the youth running off. He later approached the officers and handed them the loaded gun, wrapped in a bandanna, police said.
Police said Wednesday there were a couple other youngsters with the boy, but there is no indication he pointed the gun at anyone. Police didn't know if the bullet hit anything.
Prosecutors felt that $5,000 was fair, said spokesman David Procopio.
Mayor Thomas Menino applauded the high bail.
"You have to send messages that we're not going to tolerate guns on the street," he said.
I think the bail was too high. I'd agree with a few days in juvy and probation, but this kid doesn't have a job, the bail will only affect his parents. The only way I'd agree with the high bail is if he got the gun from his parents.
6 years in jail for shooting a gun and doing no damage? That's a little extreme. Mandatory gun safety classes should be added on to whatever his sentence is though.
What's the normal sentence when an adult shoots a gun in city limits? A fine?
That is a good point MZ, I wonder that too. I do believe that the bail will hurt his parents, if they want him out. But it also hurts him, if he is supposed to be in school now or something. It is just very scary to think that kids do not know better. Watch they will blame this on video games or something!
Throw the parents in jail or the person whom he got the gun from.
This is the kind of crap that happens when you don't allow the teachers to disipline kids. They realize they can get away with crap in school and the parents don't back up the teachers or schools. So there is no real penalties for kids. Then they run amock and...alright I'm stepping off my soap box now. I could go on....
If they are not aware that child is playing with guns on the street corner, then they are not doing a very good job. If they have not managed to teach their child that playing with guns is absolutely forbidden, then they are not doing a good job.
Parents who fail to supervise their children and let them endanger others absolutely should be held responsible and punished.
Of course, I am speaking as an outraged taxpayer who lives in a big city and sees inner-city children on a daily basis.
I don't have children but I don't know if i would be able to forgive myself f i did have a child who killed someone due to my lack of supervision or parenting skills
MZ the only reason I can think that you are surprised is because of what my son did. Is that correct?? These cases are totally different- violent and non violent. I believe that my son should be held liable and us too for letting him out of the house, but we have fulfilled the legal obligations and I dare him to do something like this again Of course I can't keep dibs on him 24/7, but I believe that if he gets in trouble again, that we are all liable to a point.
With this boy, someone needs to wake up. They usually set bail on different factors- how much the parents make, the nature of the crime, etc... Maybe 25,000 is not a big deal for his parents. You only need 10%!
I don't care that he was developmentally challenged. My sister had a Down Syndrome child and she knew that guns were bad and not to shoot them. No excuse, he had the wherewithall to possess it, point it and fire it, which means he understood the consequenses of pulling the trigger.
I side with the judge and think it's about time to reign down punishment--MJ is right, kids think they can get away with anything.