Good day, all! It's going to be another fun filled day here at Camp Happy. I have a training class that starts in about 15 minutes.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day! Thank you to all who served or are currently serving. The sacrifices you, your families, and your loved ones have made cannot be valued enough. Freedom is never free.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I gave up the "Livestrong" wristband wearing phase a while ago. Earlier this year I started wearing a "Zombie Strong;" wristband as a joke.
Although I still wear it, I have added another wristband. It's camo, and it says "Support Our Veterans." But that's not the poignant part, especially since this wristband is given to veterans and their spouses.
I wear this wristband, because on the inside where you normally see "Made In China," instead it says, "1-800-273-8255 (TALK) press 1 for emotional crisis support." It's an important service, and may come in handy to have it so readily available.