Exactly! That is just repugnant. As to me is the comparison of anything to a plantation like mentality. The horror and inhumanity of slavery is not being played out in the Congress by either political party.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hmm... this should be fun , chocolate a 'poor choice' of words ? how about we substitute **** , or jungle bunny , or spear chucker ? those outta make the black people feel a whole lot better .
God wants N.O. to be black ? um.. is that why we had slavery ? and a civil war ? they were Gods way of getting black people to move to N.O.? Oooo- kay.
N.O. 67% black , 90% of which were unemployed or below poverty line . He wants to bring em back to that ? Now thats doing em 1 heck of a favor ! Come back to - no home , no job and no future ! Whats his campaign slogan gonna be ? A welfare check in every home ?
Heres the best part ! Do you really think ANY corperation would invest money into a buisness thats in a town thats being run by a lunatic ?
Heres a better thought - Do you think ( after hearing those remarks ) any white person with a buck would earmark it for a N.O. charitable type cause ?
He was pandering to a black crowd, got caught up in the moment and the cameras caught him...he tried to shrug it off, but clearly, this is how he feels....
Everybody has their own personal biases...but as an elected official , you represent everybody, or you will soon be representing nobody
I would venture to guess that groups like the NAACP and others with some pull ( Al Sharpten , Andrew Young , and (sigh ) Jesse are working behind the scenes to get him out.
I agree, JR. Why is it that his remarks are deemed just a bad judgement call and if a white person would say that, it would be deemed racist? I had not even heard about this and I read the paper every day. This received no publicity here. If this were done by a white person, it would have been all over the news and it would have been blown way out of proportion. They say that Bush didn't help because they were african-american and that makes front page news, but something like this is stuck on page 86. There is a such a double standard. It makes me sick.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
Have not used this one in a while, but I felt she had to be told!
LONDON - Paris Hilton says she is sick of boyfriends and is celibate.
The 25-year-old who gained international fame when a former boyfriend posted a videotape of the couple having sex on the Internet denied leading a promiscuous lifestyle in an interview with the British edition of GQ magazine.
"I'm not having sex for a year. ... I'll kiss, but nothing else," says Hilton, who told the magazine she has had sex with only two men during her lifetime.
Of the videotape with Rick Solomon that became one of the most searched-for items on the Internet in 2003, she said: "I never received a dime from it. It's just dirty money and he should give it all to some charity for the sexually abused or something."
The Hilton Hotels heir and uber-socialite told the magazine she is "very shy" and relates to the late Princess Diana, who was hounded by photographers.
"I've been in cars trying to get away from speeding paparazzi before and it's horrible, so I can relate to Diana and the problems she had," Hilton is quoted as saying.
During the interview, Hilton also displayed some political illiteracy.
When asked about British Prime Minister Tony Blair, her response was: "Who? ... Oh, yeah, he's like your president. I don't know what he looks like."
Hilton also told the magazine she collects $500,000 in fees just to show up at parties and other events from Las Vegas to Tokyo. Her best-paying gig, she said, was a recent Austrian appearance.
"I had to say `hi' and tell them why I loved Austria so much," she is quoted as saying.
And why does she like Austria? "Because they pay me $1 million to wave at crowds!
It just makes me sick how she is EVERYWHERE, yet she is one of the most worthless human beings EVER> She has the ability- because of her fame- to make a difference in the world, but she never will.
Okay, never say never, BUT she has a lot to live down if she ever decides to do something serious. I figure, like Warren Buffett, she will donate money when she gets older to a noble cause, but in reality, she is trying to beat the IRS
I wonder if the 100s of men she has slept with will come forward
This just goes to show how corrupt they are. They steal elections by getting homeless people to vote by bribing them with cigarettes and such. They know that these people don't have ids. There go about 100,000 votes. Don't forget the many dead people that vote. I know this being from Chicago. Firsthand. Dead people here vote Democratic- live at the polls. Kinda hard to present an id when you're dead.