We actually warmed up 3 degrees over night, it's 19 here now.
The boy's Christmas program at school went well. It was the "12 Days of Christmas" by doing a customized song for each day. Lots of proud parents and grandparents.
Wow, Christmas is coming fast . . . and we're far from being ready.
Good day, all. I've been back at work for a couple hours now, but have also been quite busy. So far, so good. Still awake. Still caffeine loading. Right at the moment having some popcorn for lunch.
Trying to keep up on my day work while doing all these installs is a bit of an adventure, but so far I'm doing well. Got my annual review documentation turned in yesterday. I'm in the process of getting some new SIP connections built. Sometime today I need to do my payroll for the week. My theory is if I do this early in the week before the tiredness really builds up I won't miss anything. We'll see how it goes.
Hope everyone has a great rest of the day.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I wondered how you handled that schedule. Caffeine to wake up/alcohol to sleep?
There is a lot of caffeine involved in the wakefullness portion of my days/nights. Tylenol PM and sheer tired helps with the sleep. I got home this morning around 2AM and went to sleep around 3AM. Slept til about 10:30... back to the office at 12:30ish. Getting ready to go home now to get some dinner and chill for a bit, then I will be back at 9:30PM for tonight's work. Should be done with that around 1 or 2AM, then home for some sleep... then back to work. Honestly, I'm not really sure which area we will be working on Wednesday night, but I think it is either Central or Pacific time. If it is Pacific time, I will try to catch a nap between workday and work night. If it is central time, there really isn't much of a point in trying to nap before coming back.
Yes, some day I will stroke out from this kind of thing.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.