In fact, I'm VERY GOOD at admitting when I'm wrong because I have so much experience at it.
Earlier this week I took a pot shot at foreign countries which I didn't feel ever come to our aid (or when they DO come to our aid it's with strings attached).
I was proven wrong. At last count 28 countries have stepped forth with assistance to the US because of the effects of Hurricane Katrina.
Of course Great Britain as usual was there for us, but dozens of other countries have been too. Australia alone gave 8 Million to the Red Cross.
So to ALL the countries that have decided to assist us I say a heartfelt Thank You!
I must add though, that it still sticks in my craw that we were roundly criticized for our initial donation after the Tsunami "not being enough". You don't look a gift horse in the mouth.
I don't know how big or how small some of the donations we're receiving are, but it doesn't matter. The fact that ANY effort to help is being made is what matters, and for that I'm thankful!
Yes,I've recently heard of donations from money to generators from several countries. It's really great to hear. It's so hard to listen to the news sometimes... people love dirty laundry so everyone searches for the most down and out, the worst of the worst. So you hear the negatives everywhere - eventually the feel good stories will start to surface.
I was thinking today that there are probably directors out there kicking themselves for never considering this a great idea for a soothsaying disaster movie...
It's time to go through you closet and get rid of clothes you no longer can get into or don't want. Take them to the Salvation Army and they will get them to the hurricane victims. I know not everyone can dip into their wallets but I know we all have clothes we no longer want or need. Let's get clothes to people who've lost everything before the weather changes.