You all may get tired of my pics before the new wears off the camera, so I'll post in separate threads that will be easy to avoid.
Here is another moon pic I got last night during a break in the clouds. This was taken about 12:15. The clouds kept us from seeing the eclipse, but the full moon before that was the brightest I've ever seen it.
As the clouds were getting heavier and blocking the moon, I played around some more with other things. This is my ham radio tower taken just after midnight. I used a 25 second exposure. The clouds were moving so fast, they made a cool looking blur above.
This morning on the way to the office, the sunrise was reflecting off the pond at the park so I grabbed a shot of the ducks. I got a little shake which knocked the focus off a bit, but I thought the colors were nice.
And thus ends today's episode of "Web's New Hobby".
Wow, those are awesome! (I feel like a broken record.) Do you have a Flickr account or something similar? Unless you decide to post them all here, I wouldn't mind subscribing to something where I could see your latest pictures.
After I went to bed, I was thinking about what I should have done.
When the clouds were broken, they looked really neat with the moon shining through them. The problem is that to get the clouds exposed enough to see them, the moon would be blown out and just a white ball. To get the moon exposed right, meant not enough light to get the clouds.
I wish I would have gone ahead and taken some pics of the clouds . . . then cut a properly exposed moon out of another shot and pasted it over the "blown out" moon in the clouds shot so they both would look good . . . a little "photo shopping" to make it look good.
That would have been "cheating" as far as photography goes, but it would have made a cool image. Note to self for next time.
Time lapsed photography of the eclipse would have been cool. Set the camera to take a phot every 5 minutes. I wasn't sitting in the cold to do that though. If this had been a summer or fall (and weekend or vacation) eclipse, I may have done that. Picture it: nice little fire in the fire pit, a few adult beverages, some conversation, playing with electronics, staring at a full moon...I'm just saying is all.
Now I am sad. I wish I had someone to do that with.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I wasn't going to stay up for it. Then I decided I would if the clouds cooperated. It got cloudy so I decided that I'd go to bed and if I happened to wake up during the eclipse, I'd go check. I did wake up, but it was WAY too cloudy to even tell where the moon was at.
Here's another one from the pond this morning. This was shortly after the other shot because the duck that was in the water got out and back up on the ice before I took this one.
Had I used a tripod, they would have been more clear.
Well, Fuzzy... I had your evening on a small scale. It was just me, an adult beverage, and my camera. Unfortunately, my camera is not good for taking pictures of such an event. I have no telephoto lense, so it is just a black background with a bright white spot. I had fun anyway.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
It would have been more fun if I were there. We could have made fun of people, had snacks, had drinks, waited for things that go screech in the night. If anyone had moonbeams bouncing off snow, that would have been cool too.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
It definitely would have been more fun if you were here. We didn't have any snow for the moonbeams to bounce off of, and in fact it was't horribly cold last night either which was nice. For sure I wouldn't have felt like such a weirdo sitting out in my front yard geeking up at the sky if I wasn't alone.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I debated watching from the patio, but I have motion activated lights in the back of the house. It would have been difficult to be still enough to keep them off. Yeah, I could have shut them off at the switch, but that kind of logic didn't occur to me right then. Besides, it is okay with me that the neighbors already think I'm a little strange.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.