It's pretty dead around here. I've got a couple little things to do, but nothing pressing. Then I could file, or play around on the internet all day. Hm...
Morning all. I am going to best to survive my work day until 3pm. Then I may go and start my vacation. Yay me! I can do it! It is a mixed day around here. We seem to have the 50/50 attendence thing going on around here.
I am debating going to the grocery store tonight. I think I would rather attempt that tomorrow morning. I still have a few things to bake/prepare for tomorrow night and Saturday. I should probably make a list. That would be the same list I told myself last night that I should make.
Oh well, I have to go find my missing foreign revenue. I think some of it is mistyped and is hiding in other states.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
That might work better. Good luck! Even Monday night, I stopped by the grocery store on my way home from work. I needed things from the baking aisle. So did everyone else. It was crazy!
I've been annoyed with a minor cold for about a week. The last couple days, it's decided to kick it up a notch. I don't feel all that bad, just congested and can't hardly talk today.
We have a chance of some light snow today/tomorrow. It may be a whitish Christmas.
The boy was getting worried . . . we had NO presents under our tree until yesterday. A couple weeks ago, we were in Walmart and he saw a Lego kit that he HAD TO HAVE. We got it for him with the understanding that it was an early Christmas present. He was fine with that. We have been reminding him about that kit, and now I'm not so sure he thinks that was such a great idea.
I wrapped and put 5 under the tree yesterday - two for Mrs Web, and three for him. Then he was upset that I didn't put name tags on those presents so he can't tell who they are for. After much begging, he finally got me to tell him that yes, at least one of them was for him. He was shaking them listening for more Lego parts. Mrs Web wrapped the rest of what we have for other people last night so it looks like Christmas under our tree after all.
We had a possibly having some snow on Christmas day. Thankfully (not that it doesn't look pretty, but I have to travel) things changed. The weather patterns are setting up for us to get some Sunday and Monday. That I don't mind. I'll spend Sunday recovering from a busy two days and watching football.
Let's go Eagles!
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
That's why I waited to get his out, just to be mean. He kept reminding us: "you guys said that the kit was PART of my Christmas . . . that means not all of it"
Oh, the VIA is their "ready brew" coffee. Basically, it's instant coffee, but they say technically it's not. I don't understand the difference. As long as I cut open the pouch, put it in my cup, add water, and have coffee, it works for me.
Oh, I have seen those on the shelf. I don't drink coffee, but I was in serch of some for a gift this year. I think I noticed the packaging before I knew what it was.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
So, I am now considering setting myself free soon. I have already seen two people who came in after me leave for the day. They are salary just like me. None of the top dogs (that are important to me) are here. So if those two can leave early, why can't I? My boss is also off today. That'll give me time to make a stop on the way home. Then I can go home, get changed and maybe hit the grocery store. Plus, I need something for dinner.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'm going to leave at 4. My boss doesn't care, there's not much going on here anyway, I'll have over 40 hours but I used a vacation day so I don't get paid for the overtime, and I have cookies to decorate.