This weekend is (was) the biggest kite fly in Nebraska near a small town called Callaway.
I went all day Saturday and then just for the afternoon on Sunday. Both days we had more wind than we really needed but that's better than not enough!
Looking across the field at all the kites
This was really pretty with the sun shining through the flags. The long streamers are snakes . . .
This is a closeup of the snake's head
This is called an "arch". There are many small kites hooked to that one line. There are letters on some of them spelling "Topeka Kite Flyers" from Topeka Kansas.
These spikey balls fill up with air and roll around on the ground.
This is a rather large creature. I left the lady in the pic for scale.
This is my friend Kevin's "stack" of eight "Revolution 2" kites. This is awesome to watch and a blast to fly.
This is Kevin flying his stack. It's just about all he wanted given the wind speed this weekend.
This is my stack of "Ultra U-2's". These were custom made for me in a one-off color scheme.
JR stopped by for a bit. Who says penquins can't fly?
It's as much a social thing as it is a flying thing.
I thought this guy was pretty cool.
These people are trying to pull this one back down to put him away.
I did take a bunch of pics from my camera hanging from my kite.
Since we were about three miles from a very small town, not much to see other than hills.
We all had a good time and look forward to next year. Hope you liked the pics!