I have not read them all, but they seem clean from the first 20~
What do you call a Yugo with no wheels? A no-go Q: Why did N.A.S.A. get Pepsi to sponser the Space Shuttle? A: Because they could not get 7-Up (Seven Up)? What you call Madonna after she does L.S.D? Mad-on-Acid What is the difference Michael Jackson and Richard Pryor? Michael Jackson was burned using Pepsi and Richard Pryor was burned using Coke. How many teenagers can fit into a Yugo? No one knows, none of them want to risk being seen in one! I own two 1987 Yugo's, both run great still. Q: How are the NES and Michael Jackson the same? A: Little boys turn them both on. Q: What do you call Rock Hudson in a wheel chair? A: Roll-Aids Q: What do you call a Yugo station wagon? A: A We-go. What does Micheal Jackson have in common with a second place winner? A: They both come in a little behind. Q: What does Michael Jackson and McDonald's have in common? A: They both put their meat in 12-year-old buns.
What do you call a Yugo at the top of a hill? A miracle Q: What do you call two gay guys named Bob? A: Oral Roberts Q: What do male prostitutes and The Pink Panther have in common? A: Peter Sellers Q: Why was Rock Hudson buried face down? A: So that his partners could have a cold one. A Reaganism that a friend of mine did every time he imitated the Gipper: "Well, before I start speaking, I'd like to say..." One I remember from Johnny Carson, circa mid-80s: It's said that there are only three man-made structures visible from space: the Great Wall of China, Tip O'Neill, and Don King's hair. A: What was the last thing on Donny Hathaway's mind? A: Seventh Avenue. Correction to a previous joke. Q: How do you spell Canada? A: C-eh-N-eh-D-eh!!! Did you hear that Michael Jackson and Elton John are doing a song together? It's called "Don't let your son go down on me........ What does Sears and Michael Jackson have in common? litte boy's pants on sale..... What would happen if Whoopi Goldberg married Scooby Doo? Whoppi Doo! Q. Why did the Valley Girl take two birth control pills? A. To be "fer sure, fer sure." What about all the "grosser-than-gross" jokes, eg: What's grosser than gross? I don't know, what? Eeating a bowl of cornflakes you found in the kitchen and finding out that your little brother has misplaced his scab collection. Why is a Yugo called a Yugo? Because you go, and it don't! Q: What do you call a Yugo that breaks down after 100 miles? A: An overachiever. What did Princess Grace have that Natalie Wood could have used? A good stroke. Q: Are You a Almond Joy or Mounds A: Almond Joy got nuts, Mounds don't Why did people in the 80s live like kings? Because they went to Burger King Why is Michael Jackson like the Dodgers' infield? They all wear one glove for no apparent reason. The Dodgers had terrible defense in the 80s...
Q Hear about the new band featuring Ronald Regan and Milli Vanilli? They don't remember any of the songs they didn't sing.
What would the band be called if Duran Duran and The Go-Go's got together? Durango-Durango What do you call Pac-Man on drugs? Crack-Man!
How can you stop a Yugo with just one finger? Push in the cigarette lighter. How many letters are in the alphabet? 22, cuz E.T. went home and somebody shot J.R. Why did the chicken cross the road? Because he was stapled to the punk rockers lip. Why was Michael Jackson grounded? He was "Bad" What do you call a Yugo built for two? A two-go How are Madonna's knees like the Beatles? They'll never get back together. Deck the halls with gasoline, falalalalalalala Strike a match and watch it gleam, falalalalalalalala Burn the schoolhouse down to ashes, falalalalalalalala Aren't you glad you play with matches? falalalalalalalala (to the tune of deck the halls) Why does a Yugo have a rear defroster? To keep your hands warm when you're pushing it. What is Ronald Reagan's favorite pick-up line at a bar? "Do I come here often?" How do you get a Cure fan out of a tree? Cut the rope What did Marvin Gaye's father say to him before he shot him? "This is the last 45 you'll ever hear!" What was Marvin Gaye's last hit? Heard it through the carbine. What's the best part of owning a Yugo? You can always get a handicapped spot!!! If Milli Vanilli fall in the woods, does someone else make a sound? Why did Michael Jackson fail to renew his contract with Pepsi?Because he found out that the main ingerdient was Bubbles! What did Michael Jackson do when his hair caught on fire?Beat-it! What do you call a Yugo at the top of a hill?A miracle How do you double the value of a Yugo?Fill the Tank