Are we sure it is Saturday? I am in the office for a while today. I've been here for a while now, but I am not alone. Other than the call center (which is active 24/7), there are a few people around. Thankfully I am the only one in my area. It is quiet.
Now, one of the things I have to get finished today is my self appraisal. It is past due. I drafted it Tuesday. Let's go in, clean it up and add some stuff. Who would like to help? I could use a second set of eyes to review this for me.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I sure hope it is Saturday... I didn't go to work this morning. Right now I'm trying to decide if I want to go shopping or if I want to be responsible and clean the house. Seems to be a tough call at this point.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hmmm. That is a tough choice. I may be inclined to lean towards the lesser of two evils (shopping). But it also may depend what you are going to clean, how hard and the last time it was done.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'm making good progress though. In three hours I finished the appraisal, the 2011 goals, mailed checks, went through the stack of 1099s, sent a file to the other girl that is working today over in the legal group and answered the boss' four emails from yesterday. In addition, I checked both email accounts and read some on the forum. All that is remaining for today is the MI PPT forms. I really just don't want to do them. Most of the data is pulled and sorted by office. I do have to go over some super old preacquisition information that I need to include on the forms.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
It is okay. At this time of year sometimes it happens. Not that it makes it any better. It was not coming in here Thursday that really set me back. Everything I am accomplishing today I could have done then. Well, with the exception of that pile of 1099s, as those came yesterday. I just have to get going and push myself to finish these ppt returns. The soone I finish, the sooner I can go home.
I should have a snack.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
So, I think I could use a nap. I'm finished with things for today. Guess I'll clean up my desk and be on my way home. Perhaps I should stop and fill up the gas tank. It'll be good to start the week with a full tank, especially if the weather is going to suck Tuesday and Wednesday.
Saturday on people!
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I decided to do both... cleaned out the fridge, mopped the kitchen floor, and ran the dishwasher. Then I went grocery shopping. Seems there is another stormageddon headed my way. Should be here Monday night into Tuesday, possibly Wednesday. So says the National Weather Service, I have freezing drizzle, sleet, and snow to look forward to. Don't know how much of any of that.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.